A Python port of the daggen <https://github.com/frs69wq/daggen>
_ tool proposed by Suter & Hunold.
This library generates random, synthetic task graphs for simulation. You can easily convert the
generated task graphs into directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) in tools such as NetworkX <https://networkx.org>
_ or
igraph <https://python.igraph.org>
_, or export them to files. The library helps evaluate scheduling
algorithms using various application configurations.
Here is an example of how to generate a DAG of 15 tasks, accepting the default parameters,
and import it into igraph:
.. code-block:: python
import daggen as dg
import igraph as ig
dag = dg.DAG(seed=42, num_tasks=15)
tasks, edges = dag.task_n_edge_dicts()
igraph_dag = ig.Graph.DictList(vertices=tasks, edges=edges, directed=True)
You can alternatively convert the task graph into a NetworkX' DiGraph:
.. code-block:: python
import daggen as dg
import networkx as nx
dag = dag.DAG(seed=46, num_tasks=15)
tasks, edges = dag.task_n_edge_tuples()
net_dag = nx.DiGraph()
Task and edge attributes
Each generated task has two attributes:
- computation: a sequential cost (in Flops).
- alpha: the alpha parameter of Amdahl's Law, used to encode the overhead of parallelizing tasks in parallel task graphs.
Each edge represents a communication from a parent task to a child task and has a data attribute
representing the amount of data transferred from parent to child.
DAG parameters
You can configure the characteristics of the generated DAGs by parametrizing the DAG()
Following the C implementation, one can set the following parameters:
: used to seed the random number generator and ensure reproducibility.
: Number of computation nodes (application tasks) in the DAG.
: Minimum amount of data in bytes a task processes.
: Maximum amount of data in bytes a task processes.
: Minimum value for the extra parameter (e.g., Amdahl's law parameter).
: Minimum value for the extra parameter.
: Width of the DAG, the maximum number of tasks executed concurrently. A small value results in a thin DAG.
(e.g., chain) with low task parallelism, while a large value creates a fat DAG (e.g., fork-join).
with a high degree of parallelism.
: Determines the dependencies between tasks of two consecutive DAG levels.
: Regularity of the task distribution between the different levels of the DAG.
: Communication to computation ratio. It encodes the complexity of the computation of a task
depending on the size n
of the dataset it processes. The encoding is as follows:
- 1 :
a * n
is a constant picked randomly between 26 and 29). - 2 :
a * n log n
- 3 :
- 0 : Random choice among the three complexities.
: Maximum number of levels spanned by inter-task communications, which enables DAGs
with execution paths of multiple lengths.
Examples on Google Colab
A couple examples are available on this Colab notebook:
.. image:: https://colab.research.google.com/assets/colab-badge.svg
:target: https://colab.research.google.com/github/assuncaomarcos/daggen/blob/main/notebooks/daggen_examples.ipynb
:alt: Open in Colab