DataPoint for Python

A Python module for accessing weather data via the Met Office's open data API
known as DataPoint.
For personal reasons I have changed my GitHub username. The repository location has changed. The homepage link on PyPi is up-to-date
Disclaimer: This module is in no way part of the DataPoint project/service.
This module is intended to simplify the use of DataPoint for small Python projects (e.g school projects).
No support for this module is provided by the Met Office and may break as the DataPoint service grows/evolves.
The author will make reasonable efforts to keep it up to date and fully featured.
- List forecast sites
- Get nearest forecast site from latitiude and longitude
- Get the following 5 day forecast types for any site
- Daily (Two timesteps, midday and midnight UTC)
- 3 hourly (Eight timesteps, every 3 hours starting at midnight UTC)
$ pip install DataPoint
You will also require a DataPoint API key.
For more installation methods see the installation guide.
Detailed documentation for this project is available on Read the Docs. This project uses semantic versioning as defined at
Example Usage
import datapoint
conn = datapoint.connection(api_key="aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-eeeeeeeeeeee")
site = conn.get_nearest_forecast_site(51.500728, -0.124626)
forecast = conn.get_forecast_for_site(site.location_id, "3hourly")
current_timestep =
print( + "-" +
Example output
London - Heavy rain
See examples directory for more in depth examples.
Contributing changes
Please feel free to submit issues and pull requests.