datetime can be many different formats and often we want to express a time relative
to the current time, such as 10 minutes ago
. This module is able to handle all datetime formats
as well as our custom relative time format.
Relative datetime format:
For the current time:
Any other time:
(+/-)(integer) (milliseconds|seconds|minutes|days|weeks|months|years)
-1 months
+3 days
-123 seconds
Parse Datetime
To parse a datetime (not including relative time), you can use the try_parse_dt
function. This
will return a pendulum object
from datetime_parser import try_parse_dt
example = "2020-02-02 10:10:10"
example_obj = try_parse_datetime(example)
Parse Relavite Time
To parse a datetime or relative datetime, use is_datetime
from datetime_parser import is_datetime
example = "-5 minutes"
example_obj = is_datetime(example)