Datoso is a WIP Python command line tool to download and organize your Dat Roms.
As today the tool supports dat-omatic, redump, and translated-english dats.
It merges all the dats in a tree folder structure thought to use with Emulators rather than dats.
The dat file format must be compatible with ROMVault.
- It can download dats from different sources (dat-omatic, redump, translated-english)
- It can process dats to generate a folder structure compatible with emulators
- It can deduplicate dats
- It can import dats from existing RomVault
- It can mark MIA roms
Datoso requires python 3.11+.
Use pip (recommended to use a virtual environment):
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install datoso
pip install datoso[all]
pip install datoso[SEED_NAME]
pip install datoso[fbneo]
pip install datoso_seed_SEED_NAME
pip install datoso_seed_nointro
Seeds available:
- fbneo (Final Burn Neo)
- md_enhanced (Mega Drive Enhanced)
- nointro (No-Intro Datomatic)
- pleasuredome (Pleasuredome)
- redump (Redump)
- sfc_enhancedcolors (Super Famicom Enhanced Colors)
- sfc_msu1 (Super Famicom MSU1)
- sfc_speedhacks (Super Famicom Speed Hacks)
- tdc (Total DOS Collection)
- translatedenglish (Translated English)
- vpinmame (Visual Pinball)
- whdload (WHDLoad)
$ datoso --help
usage: datoso [-h] [-v] {config,doctor,dat,seed,import,deduper,all} ...
Update dats from different sources.
positional arguments:
sub-command help
config Show configuration
doctor Doctor installed seeds
dat Changes configuration in current dats
seed Seed admin commands
import Import dats from existing romvault
deduper Deduplicate dats, removes duplicates from input dat existing in parent dat
all Update seed all
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show version
$ datoso seed [list,details]
$ datoso {<seed> | all} {--fetch | --process} [--filter FILTER]
$ datoso redump --fetch
$ datoso redump --process --filter IBM
$ datoso dat -d <dat_name>
$ datoso dat -d <seed>:<dat_name>
$ datoso dat -d <dat_name> --fields <field1> <field2> ...
$ datoso dat -d <seed>:<dat_name> --fields <field1> <field2> ...
$ datoso dat -d <dat_name> -on
$ datoso dat -d <seed>:<dat_name> --set <property>=<value>
$ datoso dat -d <seed>:<dat_name> --unset <property>
$ datoso doctor [seed]
$ datoso deduper -input <input_dat> -p <parent_dat> [-o <output_dat>]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show the help message and exit, feel free to append to other commands
-v, --verbose verbose output
-q, --quiet quiet output
Developing a seed
Check datoso_seed_base
Posible Issues
Be careful when updating dats from datomatic, sometimes they put a
captcha, and you may be banned if the captcha fails.
TODO (without priority)
WISHLIST (without priority)
- Support for deduplication on ClrMamePro dat structure
- Web interface
- Download from central repositories (an S3 or something like that to prevent overload main sites)
- Lambda to download dats and upload to S3
- Downloading from S3
- Auto-Import MIA Lists (for redump)
- .cue Generator for Non-Redump Dats
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.