.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2022 Miguel Gonzalez migonzalvar@gmail.com
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
dj-email-url |latest-version|
|ci| |python-support|
This utility is based on dj-database-url by Kenneth Reitz.
It allows to utilize the 12factor_ inspired environments variable to
configure the email backend in a Django application.
.. |latest-version| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/dj-email-url.svg
:alt: Latest version on PyPI
:target: https://pypi.org/project/dj-email-url/
.. |ci| image:: https://github.com/migonzalvar/dj-email-url/workflows/CI/badge.svg
:alt: CI status
:target: https://github.com/migonzalvar/dj-email-url
.. |python-support| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/dj-email-url.svg
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dj-email-url
:alt: Python versions
.. _12factor: http://www.12factor.net/backing-services
Import the package in settings.py
.. code:: python
import dj_email_url
Fetch your email configuration values. The default option is fetch them from
environment variable:
.. code:: python
email_config = dj_email_url.config()
Other option is parse an arbitrary email URL:
.. code:: python
email_config = dj_email_url.parse('smtp://...')
Finally, it is necessary to assign values to settings:
.. code:: python
EMAIL_HOST = email_config['EMAIL_HOST']
EMAIL_PORT = email_config['EMAIL_PORT']
EMAIL_USE_TLS = email_config['EMAIL_USE_TLS']
EMAIL_USE_SSL = email_config['EMAIL_USE_SSL']
Alternatively, it is possible to use this less explicit shortcut:
.. code:: python
Supported backends
Currently, dj-email-url
| Backend | EMAIL_URL | Description |
| Console | console:
| Writes to stdout (development) |
| SMTP | smtp:
| Sends using a mail transfer agent at localhost on port 25 |
| SMTP | submission://USER:PASSWORD@smtp.sendgrid.com
| Sends using SendGrid_ SMTP on port 587 (STARTTLS) |
| File | file:
| Writes to a file |
| In-memory | memory:
| |
| Dummy | dummy:
| |
.. _SendGrid: https://sendgrid.com/docs/Integrate/Frameworks/django.html
.. warning:: Using special characters on passwords
To use characters that have a special meaning in an URL (think of ``&``)
you should use `percent encoding <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding>`_.
For example, ``m&m`` would become ``m%26m``.
Because the percent character itself (``%``) serves as the indicator for
percent-encoded octets, it must be percent-encoded as ``%25``.
.. code:: pycon
>>> from urllib.parse import quote_plus
>>> import dj_email_url
>>> quote_plus("!@#$%^&*")
>>> dj_email_url.parse("smtp://user:%21%40%23%24%25%5E%26%2A@localhost")["EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD"]
Set from email addresses
also supports to optionally specify origin email addresses.
| Setting | Query parameter |
| SERVER_EMAIL | _server_email
| DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL | _default_from_email
For example: smtp://USER:PASSWORD@smtp.example.com/?_server_email=error@example.com
Do not forget to assign values to settings:
.. code:: python
SERVER_EMAIL = email_config.get('SERVER_EMAIL', 'root@localhost')
DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL = email_config.get('DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL', 'webmaster@localhost')
Other settings
There are other settings available to set from query param.
| Setting | Query parameter | Comments |
| EMAIL_TIMEOUT | timeout
| New in v1.0.5. |
More info
SMTP backend
The SMTP backend
__ is selected when the scheme in the URL if one these:
__ https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/email/#smtp-backend
============================ ============ =========================
Value Default port Comment
============================ ============ =========================
25 Local mail transfer agent
or submit
============================ ============ =========================
Changed in version 0.1: The use of smtps
is now discouraged__
The value smtps
was used to indicate to use TLS connections,
that is to set EMAIL_USE_TLS
to True
Now is recommended to use submission
or submit
(see service name for port numbers
_ or Uniform Resource Identifier Schemes
_ at IANA).
.. _SMTPS: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SMTPS
.. _service name for port numbers: https://www.iana.org/assignments/service-names-port-numbers/service-names-port-numbers.xhtml?search=587
.. _Uniform Resource Identifier Schemes: https://www.iana.org/assignments/uri-schemes/uri-schemes.xhtml
On the most popular mail configuration option is
to use a third party SMTP server to relay emails.
.. code:: pycon
>>> url = 'submission://user@example.com:pass@smtp.example.com'
>>> url = dj_email_url.parse(url)
>>> assert url['EMAIL_PORT'] == 587
>>> assert url['EMAIL_USE_SSL'] is False
>>> assert url['EMAIL_USE_TLS'] is True
Other common option is to use a local mail transfer agent Postfix or Exim.
In this case it as easy as:
.. code:: pycon
>>> url = 'smtp://'
>>> url = dj_email_url.parse(url)
>>> assert url['EMAIL_HOST'] == 'localhost'
>>> assert url['EMAIL_PORT'] == 25
>>> assert url['EMAIL_USE_SSL'] is False
>>> assert url['EMAIL_USE_TLS'] is False
It is also possible to configure SMTP-over-SSL (usually on 465).
This configuration is not generally recommended but might be needed for legacy systems.
To apply use this configuration specify SSL using a ssl=True
as a query parameter
and indicate the port explicitly:
.. code:: pycon
>>> url = 'smtp://user@domain.com:pass@smtp.example.com:465/?ssl=True'
>>> url = dj_email_url.parse(url)
>>> assert url['EMAIL_PORT'] == 465
>>> assert url['EMAIL_USE_SSL'] is True
>>> assert url['EMAIL_USE_TLS'] is False
File backend
The file backend is the only one which needs a path. The url path is store
This work is licensed under several licences.
- All original source code is licensed under BSD-2-Clause.
- All documentation is licensed under CC-BY-4.0.
- Some configuration and data files are licensed under CC0-1.0.
For more accurate information, check the individual files.
You can check the compliance with REUSE helper tool <https://github.com/fsfe/reuse-tool>
.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2013-2022 Miguel Gonzalez migonzalvar@gmail.com
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
Change Log
1.0.6_ - 2022-09-24
.. _1.0.6: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dj-email-url/1.0.6
1.0.5_ - 2022-02-05
.. _1.0.5: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dj-email-url/1.0.5
- Added support for the timeout setting.
1.0.4_ - 2022-01-16
.. _1.0.4: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dj-email-url/1.0.4
- Post release version to update change log.
1.0.3_ - 2022-01-16
.. _1.0.3: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dj-email-url/1.0.3
Added support for Python 3.10.
Changed continuos integration infrastructure from Travis to GitHub Actions.
Switched to PyPA build frontend.
1.0.2_ - 2021-01-23
.. _1.0.2: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dj-email-url/1.0.2
- Add support for Python 3.9 (@pauloxnet)
1.0.1_ - 2020-06-03
.. _1.0.1: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dj-email-url/1.0.1
- Included LICENSE file in tarball. Thanks to @fabaff.
1.0.0_ - 2020-02-16
.. _1.0.0: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dj-email-url/1.0.0
0.2.0_ - 2019-04-08
.. _0.2.0: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dj-email-url/0.2.0
- Added support for
in the URL as
query parameters.
0.1.0_ - 2018-03-24
.. _0.1.0: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dj-email-url/0.1.0
Added new schemes submission
and submit
to select SMTP backend on port 587 with STARTTLS.
Thanks to @LEW21 to suggest to include new submit
Discouraged the use of scheme smtps
and add a user warning.
Thanks to @LEW21 to alert about this confusing usage.
Expand which values are considered as truthy on a query string param. Now,
, on
, true
, and yes
, as a single character or in all case variants
(lower, upper and title case) are considered as True
0.0.10_ - 2016-10-14
- Post release version to fix release date in change log.
0.0.9_ - 2016-10-14
- Fix case when user sets ssl=False in its url (thanks bogdal)
0.0.8_ - 2016-06-07
0.0.7_ - 2016-05-31
- Add EMAIL_USE_SSL setting to docs and set a default value (thanks iraycd).
- Add coverage (thanks iraycd).
0.0.6_ - 2016-04-18
- Fix error parsing URL without credentials (thanks martinmaillard).
0.0.5_ - 2016-04-17
- Allow URL encoded credentials (thanks kane-c).
0.0.4_ - 2015-03-05
0.0.3_ - 2015-03-05
0.0.2_ - 2014-03-12
0.0.1_ - 2013-02-12
.. _0.0.1: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dj-email-url/0.0.1
.. _0.0.2: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dj-email-url/0.0.2
.. _0.0.3: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dj-email-url/0.0.3
.. _0.0.4: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dj-email-url/0.0.4
.. _0.0.5: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dj-email-url/0.0.5
.. _0.0.6: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dj-email-url/0.0.6
.. _0.0.7: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dj-email-url/0.0.7
.. _0.0.8: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dj-email-url/0.0.8
.. _0.0.9: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dj-email-url/0.0.9
.. _0.0.10: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dj-email-url/0.0.10