Django Actionlog
.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/django-actionlog.svg
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/django-actionlog/
:alt: Latest PyPI version
Getting Started
Django Action is can be check the python-time, sql-time and query-count for each requests
for the Django Framework. Result outputs the log to file, console or fluentd.
.. image:: https://raw.github.com/fujimisakari/django-actionlog/master/example/django-actionlog.png
Django Actionlog requires Django 1.6 or later
fluent-logger 0.4.1 or later
Getting It
You can get Django Actionlog by using pip or easy_install::
$ pip install django-actionlog
$ easy_install django-actionlog
If you want to install it from source, grab the git repository from GitHub and run setup.py::
$ git clone git://github.com/fujimisakari/django-actionlog.git
$ cd django-actionlog
$ python setup.py install
Installing It
To enable django-actionlog
in your project you need to add it to MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES
in your projects
# Action Log
ACTION_LOG_SETTING = {'handler_type': 'stdout'}
Using It
Case of output runserver console ::
ACTION_LOG_SETTING = {'handler_type': 'stdout'}
Case of output file ::
# default logfile: `/tmp/django_action.log`
ACTION_LOG_SETTING = {'handler_type': 'file', 'logfile': '/tmp/my_action.log'}
Case of output fluentd ::
# default host: `localhost`
# default port: `24224`
# default tag_name: `django.actionlog`
ACTION_LOG_SETTING = {'handler_type': 'fluentd', 'host': 'example.com', 'tag_name': 'my_service.foo'}
Case of want to output custom actionlog ::
from django_actionlog import actionlog
actionlog.output({'foo': 'bar', 'fizz': 'buzz'...})