Djangoflow Omnichannel Notifications
Opinionated Django Omnichannel Notifications
Opinionated: Create a set of strict guidelines to be followed by the users
and developers. Well defined and consistent guidelines reduces errors and
unwanted side-effects. Framework should be easy to understand, implement and maintain.
Secure: Follow the industry best practices secure software development; communications;
storage as well as long term maintenance. Always evaluate the risk and trade-offs in
appropriate contexts.
Clean code: Strictly follow DRY principle; write your code for other developers
to understand; document and keep documentation updated; automate testing your code,
packaging, deployments and other processes; discuss your ideas before implementing unless
you are absolutely sure; be a good craftsmen.
Open: Offer source code and related artifacts under open source licenses. Build
and manage a collaborative community where everyone is welcome.
Configurable: Provide ways to change behavior, appearance and offer extension points
everywhere possible.
Reuse: Do not reinvent the wheel. Use existing high-quality modules as much as possible.
Data model
Views and templates
Running test application.
Here you can check admin and API endpoints.
python3 -m venv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -e .[test]
./ runserver
Running tests
# Without coverage report
make test
# With coverage report
make test-cov
Deploying new version
Change version in setup.cfg
and push new tag to main branch.
git tag 0.0.x
git push --tags
Other modules and links out there
Apexive OSS