django-like-button makes it easy to use a facebook like button in your django application. You just need to do the following.
Install django-like-button using easy_setup or pip::
pip install django-like-button
add like_button to your INSTALLED_APPS in your django settings file::
# all
# other
# apps
Add "FACEBOOK_APP_ID" setting to your django settings file with your facebook application Id.
FACEBOOK_APP_ID = "your appID"
FACEBOOK_SHOW_SEND = "true" # or "false, default is "true"
FACEBOOK_LIKE_WIDTH = "450" # "numeric value for width", default is 450
FACEBOOK_SHOW_FACES = "true" # or "false, default is "true"
FACEBOOK_FONT = "font" # default is "arial"
Add the template tag code into your base template before the body tag.
In the template, in which you want to add button load tags:
{% load like_button %}
Where you need the like button::
{% like_button_tag %}
At the bottom of the page before the tag put this (you only need to do this once)::
{% like_button_js_tag %}
Add the url into your urls file. This tries to address the issue identified
with facebooks like button here:
url(r'', include('like_button.urls')),