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:target: https://pypi.org/project/django-newsletter/
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:target: https://jazzband.co/
:alt: Jazzband
Newsletter application for the Django web framework.
What is it?
Django app for managing multiple mass-mailing lists with both plaintext as
well as HTML templates with rich text widget integration, images and a smart
queueing system all right from the admin interface.
We are currently using this package in several large to medium scale production
environments, but it should be considered a permanent work in progress.
Extended documentation is available on
Read the Docs <http://django-newsletter.readthedocs.org/>
Strings have been fully translated to a lot of languages with many more on their way.
.. image:: https://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django-newsletter/resource/django/chart/image_png
:target: http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django-newsletter/
Contributions to translations are welcome through Transifex <http://www.transifex.com/projects/p/django-newsletter/>
_. Strings will be included as
soon as near-full coverage is reached.
Currently, django-newsletter officially supports Django 4.2.x LTS, 5.0.x and 5.1.x and Python 3.8 through 3.12.
Please refer to requirements.txt <http://github.com/jazzband/django-newsletter/blob/master/requirements.txt>
for an updated list of required packages.
Fairly extensive tests are available for internal frameworks, web
(un)subscription and mail sending. Sending a newsletter to large groups of recipients
(+15k) has been confirmed to work in multiple production environments. Tests
for pull req's and the master branch are automatically run through
GitHub Actions <https://github.com/jazzband/django-newsletter/actions>
Want to contribute, great!
Please refer to the issues <https://github.com/jazzband/django-newsletter/issues>
_ on
GitHub and read CONTRIBUTING.rst <https://github.com/jazzband/django-newsletter/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.rst>
_ .
If you find any bugs or have feature request for django-newsletter, don't hesitate to
open up an issue on GitHub <https://github.com/jazzband/django-newsletter/issues>
(but please make sure your issue hasn't been noticed before, finding duplicates is a
waste of time). When modifying or adding features to django-newsletter in a fork, be
sure to let me know what you're building and how you're building it. That way we can
coordinate whether, when and how it will end up in the main fork and (eventually) an
official release.
In general: thanks for the support, feedback, patches and code that's been flowing in
over the years! Django has a truly great community. <3
This application is released
under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3.
- Drop support for Django <4.2
- Drop support for Python <3.8
- Add support for Django 4.2, 5.0, 5.1
- Add support for Python 3.11, 3.12
- Fix Compatibility issues with Django 5.1
1.0b1 (unreleased)
- Add support for Django 3.1
- Configurable thumbnailing, dropping hard sorl-thumbnail (#304).
- File attachments for messages (#334).
- Drop surlex dependency improved
and re_path()
(#339). - Drop support for Django 3.0
- Add support for Django 3.2
- Add support for Python 3.10
0.9.1 (18-05-2020)
- Drop support for Django 1.11 LTS and Python 3.4 and 2.7.
- Updated translations.
0.9 (19-02-2019)
- Upgrade to sorl-thumbnail 12.6.2, remove install workaround.
- Update several dependencies (waitress, Django) due to security issues.
0.9b1 (11-01-2019)
- Support for Django Django 1.11.x (#294), 2.2.x (#295) and 3.0.x (#296).
- Added missing migration (#282).
- Update several dependencies due to security issues.
- Python 3.8 support.
0.8b1 (17-11-2018)
- Django 2.1 support (#257).
- Python 3.7 support (#256).
0.7 (13-07-2018)
- Fixed security issue allowing subscription without confirmation (#108).
- Updated locales (ar, de).
- Proper default Newsletter for Message, fixes #224.
- Instructions for embedding a sign-up form (#250).
- Migration issue with Django 2.0 (#254).
- Miscellaneous documentation improvements.
0.7b2 (25-03-2018)
Drop support for deprecated Django 1.10.
Introduce submit_newsletter
management command, deprecating cron job and
dropping django-extensions
Fix for encoding of non-ASCII recipient names for Django < 1.9 (#244).
Allow programmatic access Article and Submission save() methods (#246).
0.7b1 (16-11-2017)
Support for Django 1.10, 1.11 and tentative support for 2.0.
Drop support for Django 1.9.
Added support for Python 3.6.
Isolated the send_message process in anticipation of dropping of
django-extensions dependency (#39).
Custom ArticleFormSet for improved Article sortorder, hidden
by default. (#194)
Move tests to separate directory, exclude from binaries and use
Django's native test runner. (#206)
Cleanup of form validation. (#209)
Settings for delays between emails, batches and the size of batches. (#223)
Add missing translatable strings in templates. (#220)
Added translations for es, el_GR.
Updated translations for fa, fr, nl.
Security fixes
- Don’t leak username in unsubscribe form.
- Use Django’s crypto code to generate random code.
Small fixes
- Add MySQL contrib to export list of subscribers.
- Add note about EMAIL_* settings in installation docs.
- Added test for
. - Warnings when files cannot be read in setup.py.
- Move test requirements to their approriate place. Closes (#190)
- Note on upgrading from <0.5.
- Added documentation on premailers. Closes (#178)
- Display email on import confirmation page.
- Fix broken links in requirements. (#205)
- Move Pillow to requirements, fixes (#202).
- Add a second subscription for mailing tests.
- Require Django 1.8.18 (latest point release).
- HTML5 doctype for default templates.
0.6 (2-2-2016)
- Added support for Django 1.8 and 1.9, and dropped support for older versions.
- Added support for native Django migrations, replacing South migrations.
- Added Python 3.4/3.5 support and dropped Python 2.6 support.
- Replaced IPAddressField by GenericIPAddressField (#131).
- Fixed addresses serialization with JSON-based sessions (#104).
- Add List-Unsubscribe header to sent messages (#169).
- Added Polish and Brazilian Portuguese translations.
- Significantly improved test coverage.
Small fixes
- Submission admin always takes last message (#170).
- Check that user has "add_subscription" permission when importing subscriptions (#128).
- Fix for Submission.publish_date default value (#125).
- Change subscription status in admin to radio field (#122).
- Make the Submissions list display the Publish date and time with respect to the server's timezone (#112).
- Several smaller issues: #107, #121, #123
0.5.2 (1-5-2014)
- Additional locale support: Arabic, Czech, French and Islandic
- Run tests on Django 1.7 beta and Python 3.3 (but allow failure)
0.5.1 (21-11-2013)
- Added Italian translation, thanks to azanibellato.
- Support for pluggable/custom user models (#101).
- Proper Sphinx documentation with autodoc on Read the Docs (#90).
- Compatibility with Django 1.6 thanks to @jnss (#97).
- Include default message templates in package (#95).
- Fix database to template file migration for non-ASCII characters (#94).
- Fix small issues with vCard imports (mainly mimetype-related).
0.5 (03-10-2013)
- Added proxy for app-specific settings.
- Optional skipping of email confirmation in views (
). - Russian translation (contributed by ak3n).
- Added explicit HTML toogle to Newsletter model.
- Fix JavaScript submit link on "Add submission", ported to use jQuery.
- Replacement of remaining function based views with class based equivalents.
- Move message templates from database to files.
0.4.1 (15-04-2013)
- Started keeping a decent history file. (Finally...)
- Support Django 1.5; make use of class based generic views
- Drop Django 1.3 and Python 2.5 support.
- 100% test coverage for views
- Farsi translations (contributed by rohamn)
- French translations (contributed by smalter)
- Admin actions for subscribing/unsubscribing (contributed by jnns)
- Introduced django-webtest for some tests
- Exempt previews from XFrame protection (fixes #54)
0.4 (20-11-2012)
- Major code cleanup; PEP8, imports, restructuring, removal of legacy code
- Improved testing throgh Travis and better test coverage
- South migrations
- Added German translation (contributed by jnns)
- WYSIWYG editor is now optional and pluggable, Imperavi and TinyMCE supported
- Timezone-aware date-times when Django 1.4 is used
- Ue of Django 1.3's messages framework
- Many small bugfixes (see GitHub issues)
- Drop support for Django 1.2
- Automatic detection of charset, encoding and dialect for CSV import
- Much cleaner log messages with proper message substitution
- Use Django's staticfiles contrib for static assets in admin interface
- Use surlex for more readable URL templates
- Use sorl-thumbnail for article images and default templates