Is an easy way to setup mechanism calls for Django projects.
For the exchange of data is used JSON. The API is built on the RPC
scheme: one URL address - many methods. This scheme allows you to share
hard-structured data, such as nested into each other JavaScript
.. code-block:: javascript
url: "/api/",
data: {
method: "settings.update",
kwargs: { value: {
suppliers: ['s1', 's2', 's33'],
skip_goods: {
s1: ['g123', 'g321'],
s33: ['g098']
callback: function(json, status, xhr) {},
.. code-block:: python
from quickapi.client import BaseClient
api = BaseClient()
api.url = 'https://example.org/api/'
api.username = 'login'
api.password = 'passw'
settings = {
'suppliers': ['s1', 's2', 's33'],
'skip_goods': {
's1': ['g123', 'g321'],
's33': ['g098']
response = api.method('settings.update', value=settings)
Read the documentation_ for details.
.. _documentation: https://docs.rosix.org/django-quickapi/