Official Django client for Replyify
A Django wrapper for Replyify's Python API bindings.
You can install this package by using the pip tool and installing:
$ pip install django-replyify-oauth2
$ easy_install django-replyify-oauth2
Register Your Application with Replyify
Configure the django-replyify-oauth2 module
From your previously configured app, found at add the following to your Django
REPLYIFY_CLIENT_ID = '{ update me }'
REPLYIFY_CLIENT_SECRET = '{ update me }'
REPLYIFY_REDIRECT_URI = '{ update me, must match value set from previous step'
REPLYIFY_USER_ID_FIELD = 'id' # or other primary key user field like `guid`
REPLYIFY_DENIED_REDIRECT = '/path/when/user/denies/access' # defaults to home page
And add the following to your
from django.urls import include, re_path
urlpatterns = [
re_path(r'^replyify/', include(('replyify_oauth2.urls', 'replyify_oauth2'), namespace='replyify')),
Run migrate
**$ python migrate**
In templates
<a href="{% url 'replyify:authorize' %}?next={% url 'home'|urlencode %}">Connect to Replyify</a>
Note: you can pass next
query parameter to the authorize view to direct the user to correct page after OAuth flow has completed successfully. Default will send user to '/'
In views as a decorator: this will kick off the Authorization flow or Refresh request (if token is expired) and will send the user back to the original requested url on completion
from replyify_oauth2.decorators import replyify_auth_required
def my_view_that_needs_replyify(request):
Using the Replyify API
Documentation for the python bindings can be found here:
In the standard documentation (the first link), most of the reference
pages will have examples in Replyify's official bindings (including
Python). Just click on the Python tab to get the relevant documentation.
In the full API reference for python (the second link), the right half
of the page will provide example requests and responses for various API