Annoyed having to run a Compass, Grunt or Gulp daemon while developing Django projects?
Well, then this app is for you! Compile SASS/SCSS files on the fly without having to manage
third party services nor special IDE plugins.

Other good reasons for using this library
- Refer SASS/SCSS files directly from your sources, instead of referring a compiled CSS file,
having to rely on another utility which creates them from SASS/SCSS files, hidden in
your source tree.
- Use Django's
for the configuration of paths, box sizes etc., instead of having another
SCSS specific file (typically _variables.scss
), to hold these. - Extend your SASS functions by calling Python functions directly out of your Django project.
- View SCSS errors directly in the debug console of your Django's development server.
django-sass-processor converts *.scss
or *.sass
files into *.css
while rendering
templates. For performance reasons this is done only once, since the preprocessor keeps track on
the timestamps and only recompiles, if any of the imported SASS/SCSS files is younger than the
corresponding generated CSS file.
This Django app provides a templatetag {% sass_src 'path/to/file.scss' %}
, which can be used
instead of the built-in templatetag static
. This templatetag also works inside Jinja2 templates.
If SASS/SCSS files shall be referenced through the Media
class, or media
property, the SASS
processor can be used directly.
Additionally, django-sass-processor is shipped with a management command, which can convert
the content of all occurrences inside the templatetag sass_src
as an offline operation. Hence
the libsass compiler is not required in a production environment.
During development, a sourcemap is
generated along side with the compiled *.css
file. This allows to debug style sheet errors much
With this tool, you can safely remove your Ruby installations "Compass" and "SASS" from your Django
projects. You neither need any directory "watching" daemons based on node.js.
Project's Home
On GitHub:
Please use the issue tracker to report bugs or propose new features.
pip install libsass django-compressor django-sass-processor
is required only for offline compilation, when using the command compilescss
is not required on the production environment, if SASS/SCSS files have been precompiled
and deployed using offline compilation.
add to:
django-sass-processor is shipped with a special finder, to locate the generated *.css
in the directory referred by STORAGES['sass_processor']['ROOT']
(for Django >= 4.2.) or
(for Django <= 4.1.), or, if unset STATIC_ROOT
. Just add it to
in your
don't forget
to include the Django default finders.
Optionally, add a list of additional search paths, the SASS compiler may examine when using the
@import "...";
statement in SASS/SCSS files:
import os
os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, 'extra-styles/scss'),
os.path.join(PROJECT_PATH, 'node_modules'),
Additionally, django-sass-processor will traverse all installed Django apps (INSTALLED_APPS
and look into their static folders. If any of them contain a file matching the regular expression
pattern ^_.+\.(scss|sass)$
(read: filename starts with an underscore and is of type scss
), then that app specific static folder is added to the libsass include dirs. This
feature can be disabled in your settings with:
If inside of your SASS/SCSS files, you also want to import (using @import "path/to/scssfile";
files which do not start with an underscore, then you can configure another Regex pattern in your
settings, for instance:
will look for all files of type scss
. Remember that SASS/SCSS files which start with an
underscore, are intended to be imported by other SASS/SCSS files, while files starting with a
letter or number are intended to be included by the HTML tag
<link href="{% sass_src 'path/to/file.scss' %}" ...>
During development, or when SASS_PROCESSOR_ENABLED = True
, the compiled file is placed into the
folder referenced by STORAGES['sass_processor']['ROOT']
(for Django >= 4.2.) or SASS_PROCESSOR_ROOT
(for Django <= 4.1.).
If unset, this setting defaults to STATIC_ROOT
Having a location outside of the working directory prevents to pollute your local static/css/...
directories with auto-generated files. Therefore assure, that this directory is writable by the
Django runserver.
Fine tune SASS compiler parameters in
sets floating point precision for output css. libsass'
default is 5
. Note: bootstrap-sass requires 8
, otherwise various
layout problems will occur.
sets coding style of the compiled result, one of compact
, expanded
, or nested
. Default is nested
and compressed
in production.
Note: libsass-python 0.8.3 has problem encoding result while saving on
Windows, the issue is already
fixed and will be included in future pip
package release, in the meanwhile
avoid compressed
output style.
Jinja2 support
is a Jinja2 extension. Add it to your Jinja2 environment to enable the tag sass_src
, there is no need for a load
tag. Example of how to add your Jinja2 environment to Django:
'BACKEND': 'django.template.backends.jinja2.Jinja2',
'DIRS': [],
'APP_DIRS': True,
'environment': 'yourapp.jinja2.environment'
Make sure to add the default template backend, if you're still using Django templates elsewhere.
This is covered in the Upgrading templates documentation.
In yourapp/
from __future__ import absolute_import
from jinja2 import Environment
def environment(**kwargs):
extensions = [] if 'extensions' not in kwargs else kwargs['extensions']
kwargs['extensions'] = extensions
return Environment(**kwargs)
If you want to make use of the compilescss
command, then you will also have to add the following to your settings:
from yourapp.jinja2 import environment
In your Django templates
{% load sass_tags %}
<link href="{% sass_src 'myapp/css/mystyle.scss' %}" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
The above template code will be rendered as HTML
<link href="/static/myapp/css/mystyle.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
You can safely use this templatetag inside a Sekizai's
{% addtoblock "css" %}
In Media classes or properties
In Python code, you can access the API of the SASS processor directly. This for instance is useful
in Django's admin or form framework.
from sass_processor.processor import sass_processor
class SomeAdminOrFormClass(...):
class Media:
css = {
'all': [sass_processor('myapp/css/mystyle.scss')],
Add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from
Writing SCSS shall be fast and easy and you should not have to care, whether to add vendor specific
prefixes to your CSS directives. Unfortunately there is no pure Python package to solve this, but
with a few node modules, we can add this to our process chain.
As superuser install
npm install -g npx
and inside your project root, install
npm install postcss-cli autoprefixer
Check that the path of node_modules
corresponds to its entry in the settings directive
(see below).
In case npx
can not be found in your system path, use the settings directive
NODE_NPX_PATH = /path/to/npx
to point to that executable.
If everything is setup correctly, django-sass-processor adds all required vendor prefixes to
the compiled CSS files. For further information, refer to the
Autoprefixer package.
To disable autoprefixing, set NODE_NPX_PATH = None
Important note: If npx
is installed, but postcss
and/or autoprefixer
are missing
in the local node_modules
, setting NODE_NPX_PATH
to None
is manadatory, otherwise
django-sass-processor does not know how to postprocess the generated CSS files.
Offline compilation
If you want to precompile all occurrences of your SASS/SCSS files for the whole project, on the
command line invoke:
./ compilescss
This is useful for preparing production environments, where SASS/SCSS files can't be compiled on
the fly.
To simplify the deployment, the compiled *.css
files are stored side-by-side with their
corresponding SASS/SCSS files. After compiling the files run
./ collectstatic
as you would in a normal deployment.
In case you don't want to expose the SASS/SCSS files in a production environment,
deploy with:
./ collectstatic --ignore=*.scss
To get rid of the compiled *.css
files in your local static directories, simply reverse the
above command:
./ compilescss --delete-files
This will remove all occurrences of previously generated *.css
Or you may compile results to the STORAGES['sass_processor']['ROOT']
[Django >= 4.2.] or SASS_PROCESSOR_ROOT
[Django <= 4.1.] directory directy (if not specified - to
./ compilescss --use-storage
Combine with --delete-files
switch to purge results from there.
If you use an alternative templating engine set its name in --engine
argument. Currently
and jinja2
are supported, see
django-compressor documentation on how to
to configure jinja2 engine support.
During offline compilation django-sass-processor parses all Python files and looks for
invocations of sass_processor('path/to/sassfile.scss')
. Therefore the string specifying
the filename must be hard coded and shall not be concatenated or being somehow generated.
Alternative templates
By default, django-sass-processor will locate SASS/SCSS files from .html templates,
but you can extend or override this behavior in your settings with:
SASS_TEMPLATE_EXTS = ['.html','.jade']
Configure SASS variables through
In SASS, a nasty problem is to set the correct include paths for icons and fonts. Normally this is
done through a _variables.scss
file, but this inhibits a configuration through your projects
To avoid the need for duplicate configuration settings, django-sass-processor offers a SASS
function to fetch any arbitrary configuration directive from the project's
. This
is specially handy to set the include path of your Glyphicons font directory. Assume, Bootstrap-SASS
has been installed using:
npm install bootstrap-sass
then locate the directory named node_modules
and add it to your settings, so that your fonts are
accessible through the Django's django.contrib.staticfiles.finders.FileSystemFinder
('node_modules', '/path/to/your/project/node_modules/'),
NODE_MODULES_URL = STATIC_URL + 'node_modules/'
With the SASS function get-setting
, it is possible to override any SASS variable with a value
configured in the project's
. For the Glyphicons font search path, add this to your
$icon-font-path: unquote(get-setting(NODE_MODULES_URL) + "bootstrap-sass/assets/fonts/bootstrap/");
and @import "variables";
whenever you need Glyphicons. You then can safely remove any font
references, such as <link href="/path/to/your/fonts/bootstrap/glyphicons-whatever.ttf" ...>
from you HTML templates.
Configure SASS variables through Python functions
It is even possible to call Python functions from inside any module. Do this by adding
to the project's
. This shall contain a mapping
of SASS function names pointing to a Python function name.
'get-color': 'myproject.utils.get_color',
This allows to invoke Python functions out of any *.scss
$color: get-color(250, 10, 120);
Here we pass the parameters '250, 10, 120' into the function def get_color(red, green, blue)
in Python module myproject.utils
. Note that this function receives the values as sass.Number
hence extract values using red.value
, etc.
If one of these customoized functions returns a value, which is not a string, then convert it
either to a Python string or to a value of type sass.SassNumber
. For other types, refer to their
Such customized functions must accept parameters explicilty, otherwise sass_processor
does not
know how to map them. Variable argument lists therefore can not be used.
Error reporting
Whenever django-sass-processor runs in debug mode and fails to compile a SASS/SCSS file, it
raises a sass.CompileError
exception. This shows the location of the error directly on the
Django debug console and is very useful during development.
This behaviour can be overridden using the settings variable SASS_PROCESSOR_FAIL_SILENTLY
If it is set to True
, instead of raising that exception, the compilation error message is send
to the Django logger.
Using other storage backends for compiled CSS files
Under the hood, SASS processor will use any storage configured in your settings as STORAGES['staticfiles']
This means you can use anything you normally use for serving static files, e.g. S3.
A custom Storage class can be used if your deployment needs to serve generated CSS files from elsewhere,
e.g. when your static files storage is not writable at runtime and you nede to re-compile CSS
in production. To use a custom storage, configure it in STORAGES['sass_processor']['BACKEND']
. You can also
configure a dictionary with options that will be passed to the storage class as keyword arguments
in STORAGES['sass_processor']['OPTIONS']
[Django <= 4.1.>]
(e.g. if you want to use FileSystemStorage
, but with a different location
or base_url
STORAGES['sass_processor'] = {
'BACKEND': '',
'location': '/srv/media/generated',
'base_url': ''
'location': '/srv/media/generated',
'base_url': ''
Amazon's S3 Storage
Using the S3 storage backend from django-storages
with its regular configuration (if you do not otherwise use it for service static files):
STORAGES['sass_processor'] = {
'BACKEND': 'storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage'
SASS_PROCESSOR_STORAGE = 'storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage'
If you are deploying to Heroku, use the
buildpack to automatically compile scss for you.
To run the tests locally, clone the repository, and, in your local copy, create a new virtualenv.
these commands:
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install Django
pip install -r tests/requirements.txt
python -m pytest tests