Django tabbed admin
This is a simple fork of django-tabbed-admin https://github.com/omji/django-tabbed-admin with Django 4.x fix.
Simple library to easilly add tabs to admin forms. It also allows users to re-order inlines and fieldsets.
Django tabbed admin is compatible with django-grappelli and django-gipsy.
It is strongly recommanded to install this theme from GIT with PIP onto you project virtualenv.
From PyPi
.. code-block:: shell-session
pip install django-tabbed-admin3
From Github
.. code-block:: shell-session
Simply add the app in your installed apps list in settings.py
.. code-block:: python
Django-tabbed-admin by default requires Jquery UI tabs plugin in order to work. It is packaged with the static files required to make it funcitonnal, however, they are not activated by default to avoid a conflict with other libraries.
In order to activate the Jquery UI statics, add the following line to the project settings:
.. code-block:: python
Configure admin tabs
In order to add tabs to a model admin, it should inherit from tabbed_admin.TabbedModelAdmin and contain a tabs attribute.
The tab attribute configuration tries to remain similar to the fieldsets and inlines setup logic.
Basically, a tuple can be created for each tab exactely the same way as for fieldsets, except that inlines can be added anywhere in between.
.. code-block:: python
tab_overview = (
(None, {
'fields': ('name', 'bio', 'style')
('Contact', {
'fields': ('agent', 'phone', 'email')
Then each tuple have to be passed to a tabs attribute prefixed by the verbose name to display within the tab:
.. code-block:: python
tabs = [
('Overview', tab_overview),
('Albums', tab_album)
A full example would give:
.. code-block:: python
from django.contrib import admin
from tabbed_admin import TabbedModelAdmin
from .models import Band, Musician, Album
class MusicianInline(admin.StackedInline):
model = Musician
extra = 1
class AlbumInline(admin.TabularInline):
model = Album
extra = 1
class BandAdmin(TabbedModelAdmin):
model = Band
tab_overview = (
(None, {
'fields': ('name', 'bio', 'style')
('Contact', {
'fields': ('agent', 'phone', 'email')
tab_album = (
tabs = [
('Overview', tab_overview),
('Albums', tab_album)
Configure tabs dynamically
Be warned that the tabs will completely reset the fieldsets and inlines attributes in order to avoid conflicts during the form saving. Both attributes are overwritten with the entries passed to the tabs attribute. For the same reasons, it is highly recommanded not to overwrite get_fieldsets or get_inlines.
You can pass and modify the tabs dynamically the same way you would do for fieldsets or inlines.
.. code-block:: python
def get_tabs(self, request, obj=None):
tabs = self.tabs
if obj is not None:
tab_overview = self.tab_overview + ('Social', {
'fields': ('website', 'twitter', 'facebook')
tab_ressources = self.tab_ressources + (InterviewInline, )
tabs = [
('Overview', tab_overview),
('Ressources', tab_ressources)
self.tabs = tabs
return super(BandAdmin, self).get_tabs(request, obj)
Change the jquery ui
You can change the jquery ui css and js by either overriding the media in the
admin class
.. code-block:: python
class Media:
css = {
'all': ('css/jquery-ui.theme.min.css',)
or by changing the the following settings,
.. code-block:: python
TABBED_ADMIN_JQUERY_UI_CSS = 'static/css/my-custom-jquery-ui.css'
TABBED_ADMIN_JQUERY_UI_JS = 'static/js/my-custom-jquery-ui.js'
Please feel free to contribute. Any help and advices are much appreciated.
You will find an example application to run and develop the library easily.