django_validated_jsonfield is an inplace replacement for django JSONField which is validated against a json_schema
- A json_schema can be added to the field description
- The json_schema is used to validate the jsonfield data during full_clean or during restframework validation
- The field is also documented on Swagger (via drf_yasg specific inspectors)
- Missing data in the json structure is initialized/filled to the schema's default values
Replace your JSONField import
from django.db.models import JSONField` or `from django.contrib.postgres.fields import JSONField
from django_validated_jsonfield import ValidatedJSONField as JSONField
class MyModel(models.Model):
_data_schema = {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"en": {"type": ["string", "null"], "default":"", "example":"Name", "title":"Name"}
"fr": {"type": ["string", "null"], "default":"", "example":"Nom", "title":"Nom"}
"default": {},
"additionalProperties": False,
data = JSONField(schema=_data_schema, editable=True)
Rest Framework serializers
As defined field:
from rest_framework.serializers import JSONField
from django_validated_jsonfield import ValidatedJSONFieldSerializer as JSONField
The updated JSONField expect to receive a "schema" and "json_validator_cls" argument at initilization.
In serializers.ModelSerializer:
Add the ValidatedJsonModelSerializerMixin to your ModelSerializer classes.
from django_validated_jsonfield import ValidatedJsonModelSerializerMixin
class MyModelSerializer(ValidatedJsonModelSerializerMixin, serializers.ModelSerializer):
class Meta:
model = MyModel
exclude = []
Swagger documentation (drf_yasg)
add the following block to your django file
from django_validated_jsonfield.yasg import DEFAULT_FIELD_INSPECTORS
you should see the json field of your model being documented in Swagger
json schema default
if the default field is provided in the json schema, the data will be initialized to the default value (if missing).
The feature works well only parents of nested fields in the json schema have a default themselves (to list or dict)
--> Note the "top level default" in the example above.