docx Mail Merge
.. image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/docx-mailmerge2.png
:alt: PyPI
:target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/docx-mailmerge2
Performs a Mail Merge on Office Open XML (docx) files. Can be used on any
system without having to install Microsoft Office Word. Supports Python 2.7,
3.3 and up.
Installation with pip
$ pip install docx-mailmerge2
Open the file.
from mailmerge import MailMerge
with MailMerge('input.docx',
enable_experimnetal=False) as document:
List all merge fields.
Merge fields, supplied as kwargs.
document.merge(field1='docx Mail Merge',
field2='Can be used for merging docx documents')
Merge table rows. In your template, add a MergeField to the row you would like
to designate as template. Supply the name of this MergeField as anchor
parameter. The second parameter contains the rows with key-value pairs for
the MergeField replacements.
If the tables are empty and you want them removed, set remove_empty_tables=True
in constructor.
[{'col1': 'Row 1, Column 1', 'col2': 'Row 1 Column 1'},
{'col1': 'Row 2, Column 1', 'col2': 'Row 2 Column 1'},
{'col1': 'Row 3, Column 1', 'col2': 'Row 3 Column 1'}])
Starting in version 0.2.0 you can also combine these two separate calls into a
single call to merge
document.merge(field1='docx Mail Merge',
{'col1': 'A'},
{'col1': 'B'},
Starting in version 0.2.0 there's also the feature for template merging.
This creates a copy of the template for each item in the list, does a merge,
and separates them by page or section breaks (see function documentation).
Starting in version 0.8.0 you can also use fields in the headers/footers/footnotes
with the merge_templates method.
{'field1': "Foo", 'field2: "Copy #1"},
{'field1': "Bar", 'field2: "Copy #2"},
], separator='page_break')
Starting in version 0.6.0 the fields formatting is respected when compatible.
Numeric, Text, Conditional and Date fields (0.6.2) are implemented.
For Date fields a compatible datetime, date or time objects must be provided.
If locale support is needed, make sure to call the setlocale before merging
import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, '') # for system locale
{'datefield': datetime.date('2022-04-15')},
], separator='page_break')
The {NEXT} fields are supported (0.6.3).
You can also use the merge fields inside other fields, for example to insert
pictures in the docx {INCLUDEPICTURE} or for conditional texts {IF}.
Microsoft Word is needed to update the values of those fields.
{ IF "{ MERGEFIELD reason }" <> "" "Reason: { MERGEFIELD reason }" }
Always enclose the fields with double quotes, as the MERGE fields will be first
filled in with data and then the other fields will be computed through Word.
If the fields are nested inside other fields, the outer fields need to be
updated in Word. This can be done by selecting everything (CTRL-a) and then
update the fields (F9). There is a way to force the Word to update fields
automatically when opening the document. docx-mailmerge can set this
setting when saving the document. You can configure this feature by using
the auto_update_fields_on_open parameter. The value always will set the
setting regardless if needed or not and the value auto will only set it
when necessary (when nested fields exist). The default value no will not
activate this setting.
The {NEXTIF} and {SKIPIF} fields are supported (0.9.0).
The {IF} fields are supported (0.9.0) only if the enable_experimnetal=True is
The condition can use nested fields. Spaces are MANDATORY before and after
the operator (<, <>, >, <=, >=, =). The values are better enclosed in double
quotes. For <> and = operators, the Microsoft-style regular expressions are
supported (?, *).
Write document to file. This should be a new file, as ZipFile
cannot modify
existing zip files.
By default, all MERGEFIELD fields are replaced with their value. If a value is
not given, it is replaced with an empty string.
If you want to keep the existing MERGEFIELD fields (with their current value)
you can specify the keep_fields="some" parameter in the constructor.
from mailmerge import MailMerge
with MailMerge('keep_unchanged_fields.docx',
keep_fields="some") as document:
If you want to only update the value of the MERGEFIELD fields but keep the
fields themselves, you can specify the keep_fields="all" parameter in the
constructor. This way, you can change the document and update the fields again
from mailmerge import MailMerge
with MailMerge('keep_all_fields.docx',
keep_fields="all") as document:
See also the unit tests and this nice write-up Populating MS Word Templates with Python
_ on Practical Business Python for more information and examples.
Inserting Dynamic Images
To include dynamic images in a docx template document you can use the
{ INCLUDEPICTURE "...." } field. For the path you can use MERGEFIELD dynamic
fields. See example above.
The problem is to actually include the images in the word document after the
mailmerge. This can be done by opening the merged docx in Microsoft Word,
selecting all the text and pressing the F9 to update all fields. Unfortunately
this method needs Microsoft Word installed and it is known to cause a lot of
Another solution would be to use the docx-mergefields
_ package to replace the
INCLUDEPICTURE fields with the actual image. This method also works with images
loaded from a database in base64 data-uri format, as well as URLs and local images.
See the documentation of docx-mergefields
_ for examples.
Todo / Wish List
- Better support for the IF fields and conditions
- Fork the repository on GitHub and start hacking
- Create / fix the unit tests
- Send a pull request with your changes
Unit tests
In order to make sure that the library performs the way it was designed, unit
tests are used. When providing new features, or fixing bugs, there should be a
unit test that demonstrates it. Run the test suite::
python -m unittest discover
| This library was originally
_ written by Bouke Haarsma
_ and contributors.
| This repository is maintained by Iulian Ciorăscu
.. _Bouke Haarsma: https://twitter.com/BoukeHaarsma
.. _Populating MS Word Templates with Python: http://pbpython.com/python-word-template.html
.. _originally: https://github.com/Bouke/docx-mailmerge
.. _Iulian Ciorăscu: https://github.com/iulica/
.. _docx-mergefields: https://github.com/iulica/docx-mergefields