Google Domains DDNS API Client
To facilitate running a home web server behind a router without a static IP, this package checks to see if your external IP has changed and automatically updates your Dynamic DNS rules on Google Domains, via the API; also notifies user by email if required.
Installation (Python 3.8+):
pip install domains-api
Can be run from the command line like so:
domains [opt]
or imported into your projects:
from domains_api.ip_changer import IPChanger
changer = IPChanger()
Windows/Mac or Linux, it will ask for your credentials on first run and then shouldn't need any input after that. I added command line options/arguments (see domains --help
) for loading/deleting a profile and changing credentials/settings more easily.
You will need your Dynamic DNS autogenerated username and password as described in this documentation.
If you choose to receive email notifications, you will be asked to input your gmail email address and password which will then be encoded before being saved as part of a User instance. (The notification is sent from the user's own email address via the gmail smtp server, you might need to allow less secure apps on your Google account to use.)
On Windows you can use Task Scheduler; on Linux/Mac, add a line to your crontab and you can choose the frequency of the checks. An example hourly cron job would look like this:
0 * * * * domains >> /dev/null 2>&1
assumes package is installed in global scope; otherwise, use command path/to/env/bin/python3 -m domains_api
If reducing downtime is essential, you could increase the frequency of checks to every 1 minute, or even less, like this:
*/1 * * * * ...etc
On Google Domains the default TTL for Dynamic DNS is 1 minute, so checks should never need to be more frequent than this, but unless you expect your external IP to change very frequently, such regular cron jobs might be a slight waste of resources; even so, the script is very light-weight and usually only takes just over a second to run normally on a Raspberry Pi 3 Ubuntu server.
A daemon version of the program is currently in development with v0.4, that allows you to run the program on a schedule by running domainsd 30
(check every 30 minutes) and domainsd stop
to cancel.
The logs are written to both ~/.domains/domains.log
(posix) or %LOCALAPPDATA%/domains/domains.log
(win), and stdout, so that they also appear in the terminal & crontab log.
After initial setup, the script takes care of everything: if your IP has changed since you last ran it, it will update your Dynamic DNS rule on
If you forget your IP or need to check it for any reason, running:
domains -i
...will log your current external IP to the terminal without doing anything else.
Check domains -h
for more command line options.
Example in Django application:
In your Django environment:
pip install domains-api apscheduler
You must first run the script from the command line to set up credentials, or set them manually via the User
from domains_api import IPChanger, User
ip_changer = IPChanger()
ip_changer.user = User(
Then, in your project you can create a new module called ip_changer in your project's root directory,
with an empty
file and an
should look something like this:
from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler
from domains_api import IPChanger, User
def start():
scheduler = BackgroundScheduler()
scheduler.add_job(IPChanger, 'interval', minutes=10)
Then you will need to add the following to your main app's
class MainConfig(AppConfig):
name = 'main'
def ready(self):
from ip_changer import ip_changer
Check /var/log/apache2/error.log
or /var/log/nginx/error.log
or your webserver log location (might be logged as wsgi errors) and/or ~/.domains/domains.log
to check everything is working as expected.
Change Log
0.4.2 (13/02/2022)
- fix complex command line parsing
0.4.1 (07/02/2022)
- move user file into file dir to allow for multiple envs
- own daemon script (background runner)
0.3.10 (01/02/2022)
- add test email function
- improve IP parsing for --force
- fix email error
- add error logging to email funcs
0.3.6 (29/01/2022)
- fix force and and regex for valid ip
- fix ignored email setup option
- improve logging and refactor response parsing func
0.3.3 (24/01/2022)
- refactored and optimised
- password encryption
- rotating log file handler
0.2.14 (23/01/2022)
- optimise size
- show IP only (for easier use in bash)
0.2.12 (22/01/2022)
- better fix for version file not found
- add version option to args
- add -D --domain opt to view domain (16/01/2022)
- hotfix for version file not found
0.2.10 (16/01/2022)
- getopt --> argparser
- version constant for
0.2.9 (16/01/2022)
- re-add -l --load-user opt
- skip user creation for --help --ip & --load_user opts
- stop double check bug
- add script to path
- delete user logging bugfix
0.2.6 (29/12/2021) (27/08/2021)
- fixed bug causing -f opt not to fire
0.2.5 (27/06/2021)
- added '-f' or '--force' option to force api call even if recorded IP hasn't changed.
0.2.4 (25/06/2021)
- reinstated check if ip changed before API call since refactoring.
- fixed logging bug re failed emails (12/06/2021)
- fixed inheritance bug (domains api not being called)
- relative imports
0.2.1 (15/05/2021)
- more modular: added IPChecker parent class and BaseUser parent class
- can be used independent of a domain name to send email notifications.
- updated README
0.1.6 (02/03/2021)
- Fixed twitchy email notification bug (09/01/2021)
- Fixed email outbox (too many emails being sent)
- Updated README
- Consistent exit codes
- Clear logs after 100 lines (keep the last 10 lines)
- Try/except for permissions (instead of if/else)
- Other bugfixes/refactoring (08/01/2021)
- Fixed relative import
- Changed directory to
- Updated readme
- Fixed duplicate loggers (07/01/2021)
- Refactored all file/log handling methods into file_handlers.FileHandlers
- Fixed permissions issues (better than before) - run package with sudo the first time to initialize files.
- Changed posix directory for logs and user files to
and delete_user
methods are now part of the FileHandlers class. (06/01/2021)
- Added email outbox for offline messages (05/01/2021)
- Fixed PermissionError when working with Apache2 & Django (must run script first as www-data e.g: "sudo -u www-data /venv/bin/python -m domains_api" - this will allow the apache server to be the owner of the log/user files when they are set up with least hassle. Missing this set the server will fail with an EOF error, as input is needed to initialize the first User instance. - bear in mind that running the script as a different user in the same environment will fail unless you change permissions on the log/user file located in the package directory)
- Fixed absolute paths in
and User().save_user()
functions. - Updated README with Django/Apache2 example. (04/01/2021)
- Updated GitHub url and long description / readme.
- Added option to show ip (only) from command line (domains_api -i --ip).
- Added test function to master branch: simulate change in ip (commented in
- Minor bugfixes
0.1 - 0.1.2 (03/01/2021)