Doom Chan
This CLI lets you browse 4chan from the terminal and make a playlist out of any thread, streamlining the experience and making it more doomscroll-able.

Although this was originally made to turn video-heavy threads from /wsg/ into playlists (YGYL threads mostly), all threads on all boards on 4chan are now supported, including those with just images present.
The order of videos is also always shuffled to keep it fresh.
Run dc
to launch the cli
switches between boards and displays their threads
searches for a specific string in thread titles
- numbers are used to select boards and threads
and Shift+Enter
can be used to go to the next and previous videos in the playlist and Esc
quits the playlist
quits the CLI
All the mpv key bindings can also be used for this cli, so [
and ]
can be used to change the speed of the video and the arrow keys can be used to seek within the video. If you're unfamiliar with mpv, here's a full list of all the keyboard controls.
Windows Only:
- libmpv (download and extract the folder, then place
wherever you download this library)
Once you have the requirements set up, just run pip install doom_chan
and everything will be installed.
If you like installing things the hard way, you can also just download and use ./doom_chan/
since all the code is entirely contained there.
However, Windows users (and only Windows users) will also need to download and install libmpv. After the download, extract the folder, then place libmpv-2.dll
in the same folder as
You don't need to worry about any of this if you just install this project with pip
Run pip uninstall doom_chan
Pull requests are always welcome, but please do open an issue first if you plan on implementing major changes.
This library was inspired by projects like yewtube and ani-cli which scrape the internet and let you surf巡 platforms from a CLI.
This project would also not have been possible without python-mpv. If it weren't for this library, I would not have been able to connect to mpv with Python.