Python build backend with build plugins and dependency lock switch
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* Python 3.9 through 3.13, PyPy
new in 2.0.x
approach for requirements organize by venvs rather than folders;
new implementation for pipenv-unlock commands;
new in 1.8.x
add dependency drain-swamp-snippet; use msftcangoblowm/drain-swamp-action;
add support for .shared.in; command pipenv-unlock fix;
What swamp?
Code in Makefile or python scripts should be reduced or removed
entirely, in favor of packaged, unittested, and well documented code.
These files are the favorite target for those placing obfuscated code
triggering malware.
Lets call this hiding place, the swamp
Authors and maintainers deal with many packages. Boilerplate code is
copy+paste into multiple packages.
- an eye sore
- completely untested code
- small variations leak in
- code quality and feature improvements are less likely to happen
started out to reduce this
Generated files
For Python packages, which contain generated files, UX is improved
by generating those files during the build process.
These batteries are included:
setuptools-scm version file
dependency lock switch
, .unlock
, and .lnk
Micro services use message queues for inter-process communications.
The messages use protobuf
message protocol which produces a
generated file. That must be part of the build process.
Would be a good fit for a build plugin
version file
The build plugin for interacting with version file, it's
about having flexibility on which version str to use.
Different circumstances calls for different version str
CI tagged release workflow needs tag
version from the version file
CI on push workflows need the current
:code:python -m build
provide the new version str
This flexibility allows to test building a package
before :code:git push
or a tagged release.
Get scm (source control management) version
.. code-block:: shell
scm-version get
Get from version file
.. code-block:: shell
drain-swamp tag
Write a semantic version str to version file. :code:drain-swamp pretag
to check/fix semantic version str
.. code-block:: shell
scm-version write "0.5.2post0.dev1"
Updating docs
Before a commit, update the date and version str in several locations
- Sphinx
- NOTICE.txt
This Sphinx conf.py contains a snippet. The entire contents of the snippet
is replaced. This technique is now a separate package,
.. _drain-swamp-snippet: https://pypi.org/project/drain-swamp-snippet
Dependency lock switch
Authors disappear or die. Unfunded projects quickly become
abandonware. Packages with locked dependencies do not age well.
Lets check the license. Hmmm Apache2.0 abandonware, that's a great
reason to turn the dependency lock off.
pipenv-unlock is a light switch to turn on/off dependency locking.
On your repo, set a CI variable and that is the switch.
When the repo is inactive, turn off the switch and make a release
without dependency locking.
How it works
A snippet in pyproject.toml
containing both
dependencies and optional-dependencies. There is additional
meta data as well.
Refresh both .unlock
and .lock
files. During build time,
shortcut is created.
Create dependency files with the .in
These include the dependencies and lines with -r
to include other dependency files.
Create both lock and unlock dependency files
.. code-block:: shell
pipenv-unlock lock
pipenv-unlock unlock
Update the pyproject.toml
snippet and refreshes
symlinks (.lnk)
.. code-block:: shell
pipenv-unlock refresh --set-lock "off"
pipenv-unlock refresh --set-lock "on"
.. csv-table:: set lock state values
:header: "State", "Possible values"
:widths: auto
"lock", """1"", ""true"", ""t"", ""yes"", ""y"", ""on"""
"unlock", """0"", ""false"", ""f"", ""no"", ""n"", ""off"""
build config settings
The Python packages build process occurs within a subprocess.
The hottest trending topic is how to pass config settings to
this subprocess?
Right before :code:python -m build
, depending on context,
use whichever method is most appropriate.
custom build backend
This would only work for a custom build backend. Will see
it's use only in drain-swamp howto.txt
.. code:: shell
python -m build -C--kind="0.5.1a4.dev6" -C--set-lock="0"
Unless authoring a custom build backend, can safely
Use bash-workaround_
Similiar to cli. During pre_command
, the TOML file and
environment variable DS_CONFIG_SETTINGS are created.
tox test -- drain-swamp-tox-test_
tox -- drain-swamp-tox_
github workflows
drain-swamp-action_ creates the TOML file and environment
Immediately after this gh action, there is fair bit of:
upload and download artifacts, between step communication,
and maybe between jobs communication.
- matrix size == 1 drain-swamp-release-yml_
There is one job. Communication is only between steps. e.g. ubuntu-latest-3.10
- matrix size > 1 drain-swamp-quality-yml_
There are several jobs. A parent job occurs once. Constraining artifact upload
to only occur once.
See also gh workflows
folder -- drain-swamp-gh-workflows_
.. _bash-workaround: https://github.com/msftcangoblowm/drain-swamp-action/tree/v1#technique----bash-implementation
.. _drain-swamp-action: https://github.com/msftcangoblowm/drain-swamp-action/tree/v1#github-workflow
.. _drain-swamp-release-yml: https://github.com/msftcangoblowm/drain-swamp/blob/master/.github/workflows/release.yml
.. _drain-swamp-quality-yml: https://github.com/msftcangoblowm/drain-swamp/blob/master/.github/workflows/quality.yml
.. _drain-swamp-gh-workflows: https://github.com/msftcangoblowm/drain-swamp/tree/master/.github/workflows
.. _drain-swamp-tox-test: https://github.com/msftcangoblowm/drain-swamp/blob/master/tox-test.ini
.. _drain-swamp-tox: https://github.com/msftcangoblowm/drain-swamp/blob/master/tox.ini
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:alt: drain-swamp features build plugins and dependency lock switch