Follow Elasticsearch continuously
elasticsearch_follow is library helping to query Elasticsearch continuously.
It needs as a dependency.
elasticsearch_follow acts as a wrapper for elasticsearch-py and handles various
use-cases, like following logs by polling elasticsearch continuously and fetching
loglines via a generator. It is possible to easily fetch lines surrounding a
given logline.
How to poll Elasticsearch continuously
The polling logic is implemented in the class ElasticsearchFollow, which needs
an Elasircsearch object from elasticsearch-py. The class Follower takes an
ElasticsearchFollow-object and has a method to create a generator which yields
loglines until all elements of a query have been returned. After this a new
generator has to be created and used.
How to fetch log-lines from Elasticsearch
To just fetch loglines, one can use ElasticsearchFetch which has
a search_surrounding. This returns a list of lists, where each list contains
the queried loglines and the lines before and after as requested by the parameters
num_before and num_after.
You can install the elasticsearch
package with pip:
pip install elasticsearch_follow
See also:
Example usage
This package introduces the command line tool es_tail
which can be used for
following logs written to Elasticsearch and directly fetching log lines by a query.
It is possible to configure the output via an format string.
es_tail -c "http://localhost:9200" tail --index "logstash*" -f "{@timestamp} {message}"
es_tail -c "http://localhost:9200" fetch --index "logstash" -f "{@timestamp} {message}" --query loglevel:ERROR -A 2 -B 2 -F "now-1h"
es_tail -c "http://localhost:9200" fetch --index "logstash" -f "{@timestamp} {message} {kv[field]} {kv[nested][field]}" -F "now-1h"
The command line options can also be given via environment variables by using the prefix ES_TAIL
For example
export ES_TAIL_USERNAME='username'
export ES_TAIL_PASSWORD='password'
es_tail -c http://localhost:9200 tail
Example usage of the library
from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
from elasticsearch_follow import ElasticsearchFollow, Follower
es = Elasticsearch()
es_follow = ElasticsearchFollow(elasticsearch=es)
follower = Follower(elasticsearch_follow=es_follow, index='some-index', time_delta=60)
while True:
entries = follower.generator()
for entry in entries: