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Simple python tool to extract massive amounts of documents - raw or aggregated - from Elasticsearch into a csv file exploiting multiprocessing and leveraging the underlying elasticsearch-py package


Python Elasticsearch-to-CSV Export Tool

Simple Python CLI tool to easily extract a massive amount of Elasticsearch documents - raw or aggregated - into a csv file, exploiting multiprocessing features and leveraging the underlying elasticsearch-py package.



In order to install and use the elasticsearch-tocsv <>_ tool, you need to install the following packages first:

  • elasticsearch-py <>_
  • requests <>_
  • pandas <>_
  • pytz <>_
  • tqdm <>_ (unless you want to disable the loading progress bars)
  • python >= 3.8 <>_ (required to avoid multiprocessing<-->logger problems)



Install the elasticsearch-tocsv package with:

$ ``pip3 install elasticsearch-tocsv``

A version of python >=3.8 is not absolutely necessary (3.7 should also work) but is highly recommended, as previous versions might experience problems when logging in multiprocessing mode.


Arguments description

Running elasticsearch_tocsv --help on the terminal you will be presented with all the possible arguments you can launch the command with. Some of them are mandatory, while some might depend on others. Below is a complete list which describes what each argument is, whether it's mandatory or optional and its intended use. Later on some use cases will also be reported.


  • -f, --fields

    | Elasticsearch fields, passed as a string with commas between fields and no whitespaces (e.g. "field1,field2").

  • -i, --index

    | Elasticsearch index pattern to query on. To use wildcard (), it'd be better to put the index between quotes (e.g. "my-indices").

| |


  • -aep, --aggregated_export_path [default: aggregated_es_export.csv]

    | Path where to store the aggregated csv file.

  • -af, --aggregation_fields [default: None]

    | User can set this option if they want to generate an additional file (raw exports file will still be generated) containing the info aggregated according to specific fields. | Specify the fields to aggregate on as a string with commas between fields and no whitespaces (e.g. "field1,field2").

  • -ao, --aggregate_only [default: False]

    | Set this option to True to skip all the extraction and processing part. | This option requires the -rif/--raw_input_file to be set.

  • -asi, --allow_short_interval [default: False]

    | Set this option to True to allow the -lbi/--load_balance_interval to go below 1 day. | With this option enabled the -lbi/--load_balance_interval can be set down to 1 minute (1m).

  • -at, --aggregation_type [default: count]

    | Aggregation function to use when generating the aggregated csv file. | It can be one of the following: ['count', 'min', 'max', 'mean', 'sum']. | This option requires the -af/--aggregation_fields to be set.

  • -atf, --aggregation_time_field [default: None]

    | In case the aggregation on a given time field must be carried out according to a given interval, that time field must be specified here (and not in the -af/--aggregation_fields option) and the interval in the -ats/--aggregation_time_span. | The time field of interest must be among the input fields (from Elasticsearch or from the csv loaded with -rif/--raw_input_file). | This option requires the -af/--aggregation_fields to be set.

  • -ats, --aggregation_time_span [default: 1]

    | Interval the -atf/--aggregation_time_field will work with. | It must be passed as a integer and it refers to a given number of days.

  • -b, --batch_size [default: 5000]

    | Batch size for the scroll API. Max 10000. | Increasing it might impact the ES instance heap memory. If the user needs a value greater than 10000, they must set first the max_result_window elasticsearch property accordingly. | Please check out the elasticsearch documentation <>_ before increasing this value.

  • -c, --cert_verification [default: False]

    | Requires ssl certificate verification. Set to True to enable. | This option is ignored if -s/--ssl is not set to True.

  • -cbo, --count_boolean_occurrences [default: None]

    | This option might of help in case the user wants to count the occurrences of a boolean field. | All boolean fields that have to be taken into consideration when True, must be passed as a string with commas between fields and no whitespaces (e.g. "field1,field2"). | Remember to set the aggregation type "sum" in the -at/--aggregation_types option for the corresponding aggregation fields.

  • -cp, --certificate_path [default: '']

    | Path to the certificate to verify the instance certificate against. | This option is ignored if -s/--ssl and -c/--cert_verification are not set to True.

  • -cs, --csv_separator [default: ',']

    | Separator to use in the CSV resulting files (both raw and aggregated, if any). | Separators longer than 1 character and different from '\s+' will be interpreted as regular expressions and will also force the use of the Python parsing engine. | Note that regex delimiters are prone to ignoring quoted data.

  • -dp, --disable_progressbar [default: False]

    | Turn off the progressbar visualization. | Set to True to simply be notified when processes have completed fetching data, without the loading progressbars. | Might be useful in case the output is redirected to a file.

  • -dr, --decimal_rounding [default: 2]

    | Round decimals to this value.

  • -ds, --decimal_separator [default: .]

    | Set the custom decimal separator for the exported files. | Consider one that doesn't mess up with the csv_separator (default to ',').

  • -e, --export_path [default: es_export.csv]

    | Path to save the csv file to. Make sure the user who's launching the script is allowed to write to that path. | WARNING: At the end of the process, unless -k/--keep_partial is set to True, all the files with filenames "{export_path}_process*.csv" will be removed. Make sure to set an -e/--export_path which won't accidentally delete any other file apart from the ones created by this script.

  • -ed, --ending_date [default: now+1000y]

    | Query ending date. Must be set in iso 8601 format, without the timezone (e.g. "YYYY-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss"). | Timezone can be specified with the -tz/--timezone option. | This option requires the -t/--time_field to be set.

  • -em, --enable_multiprocessing [default: False]

    | Enable the multiprocess options. Set to True to exploit multiprocessing. | This option requires the -t/--time_field to be set.

  • -h, --help

  • -ho, --host [default: localhost]

    | Elasticsearch host

  • -k, --keep_partials [default: False]

    | During processing, various partial csv files will be created before merging them into a single csv. Set this flag to True to prevent partial files from being deleted. | Note that the partial files will be kept anyway if something goes wrong during the creation of the final file.

  • -lbi, --load_balance_interval [default: None]

    | Set this option to build process intervals by events count rather than equally spaced over time. The shorter the interval, the better the events-to-process division, the heavier the initial computation to build the intervals. | Cannot go below 1d unless -asi/--allow_short_interval is enabled. | Allowed values are a number followed by one of [m, h, d, w, M, y], like 1d for 1 day or 4M for 4 months. | Multiprocessing must be enabled to set this option.

  • -mf, --metadata_fields [default: '']

    | Elasticsearch metadata fields (_index, _type, _id, _score), passed as a string with commas between fields and no whitespaces (e.g. "_id,_index").

  • -o, --scroll_timeout [default: 4m]

    | Scroll window timeout. Default to 4 minutes.

  • -p, --port [default: 9200]

    | Elasticsearch port.

  • -pcs, --partial_csv_size [default: 10000000]

    | Max number of rows each partial csv can contain. The higher the number of fields to extract, the lower this number should be so as not to keep too much data in memory. | If set, must be greater than -b/--batch_size (default 5000)

  • -pn, --process_number [default to max number of cpu of the machine]

    | Number of processes to run the script on.

  • -pw, --password [default: None]

    | Elasticsearch password in clear. | If set, the -spw/--secret_password will be ignored. | If neither this nor -spw/--secret_password are set, a prompt password will be asked for (leave blank if not needed).

  • -q, --query_string *[default: ]

    | Elasticsearch query string. Put between quotes and escape internal quotes characters (e.g. "one_field: foo AND another_field.keyword: "bar"").

  • -ra, --rename_aggregations [default: None]

    | Default name for a column resulting from an aggregation will be "estocsv__{field_name}__{aggregation_type}". | In case custom names are needed, they can be specified here as a string with each aggregation field linked to the following aggregation name through a double dash (--) and separated from the next couple of values with a comma, like "field1--count_field1,field2--sum_field2". | This option requires the -af/--aggregation_fields to be set.

  • -rd, --remove_duplicates [default: False]

    | Set to True to remove all duplicated events. | WARNING: two events with the same values of the fields specified in -f/--fields will be considered duplicated and then unified even if on ES they might not be equal because of other fields not included in -f/--fields (e.g. _id). | Check out the -mf/--metadata_fields option to include further info like the ES _id.

  • -rf, --rename_fields [default: None]

    | Set this option to rename some of the fields right before the csv file is written. | They can be set as a string with each field to rename linked to the following new name through a double dash (--) and separated from the next couple of values with a comma, like "agg_var1--count,agg_var2--sum". | Default value is the last aggregation field and the count aggregation type, like "agg_field3--count". | WARNING: All the manipulations and aggregations, if any, will impact the original names of the fields so do not use these new names in other arguments but stick to the original ones.

  • -rif, --raw_input_file [default: None]

    | Path to csv file to import as raw file. | This option is required if -ao/--aggregate_only is enabled.

  • -s, --ssl [default: False]

    | Require ssl connection. Set to True to enable.

  • -sd, --starting_date [default: now-1000y]

    | Query starting date. Must be set in iso 8601 format, without the timezone (e.g. "YYYY-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss") | Timezone can be specified with the -tz/--timezone option. | This option requires the -t/--time_field to be set.

  • -sm, --silent_mode [default: False]

    | With this option set to True the tool is run in silent mode, without any user interaction (password request if not specified in -pw or -spw, warning about files overwriting). | WARNING: Note that with this option enabled, the user won't be asked for anything, so an error will be returned in case a password is missing and files might be overwritten without any confirmation first.

  • -spw, --secret_password [default: None]

    | Env var pointing the Elasticsearch password. If neither this or -pw/--password are set, a prompt password will be asked for (leave blank if not needed).

  • -t, --time_field [default: None]

    | Time field to query on. If not set and -sd/--starting_date or -ed/--ending_date are set, an exception will be raised.

  • -tz, --timezone [default to timezone of the machine]

    | Timezone to set according to the time zones naming convention (e.g. "America/New_York" or "Europe/Paris" or "UTC").

  • -u, --user [default: '']

    | Elasticsearch user, if any.


Usage examples

  • Connection to localhost to export fields ["@timestamp", "field_1", "field_2"] of all the data of the my_sample_index index::

    $ elasticsearch_tocsv -i my_sample_index -f "@timestamp,field_1,field_2"

  • Connection to host to export fields ["@timestamp", "field_1", "field_2"] of the January 2020 data of the my_sample_index. Export to the file my_export_file.csv::

    $ elasticsearch_tocsv -ho -i my_sample_index -f "@timestamp,field_1,field_2" -sd "2020-01-01T00:00:00" -ed "2020-02-01T00:00:00" -t "@timestamp" -e my_export_file.csv

  • Connection to localhost over SSL to export fields ["@timestamp", "field_1", "field_2"] of all the data of the my_sample_index index. Authentication is required::

    $ elasticsearch_tocsv -i my_sample_index -f "@timestamp,field_1,field_2" -s True -u my_user

  • Connection to localhost over SSL with certificate verification to export fields ["@timestamp", "field_1", "field_2"] of all the data of the my_sample_index index::

    $ elasticsearch_tocsv -i my_sample_index -f "@timestamp,field_1,field_2" -s True -c True -ca "path/to/certificate.pem"

  • Connection to localhost to export fields ["@timestamp", "field_1", "field_2"] of all the data of the my_sample_index index, exploiting multiprocessing::

    $ elasticsearch_tocsv -i my_sample_index -f "@timestamp,field_1,field_2" -em True -t "@timestamp"

  • Connection to localhost to export fields ["@timestamp", "field_1", "field_2"] of the January 2020 data of the my_sample_index index, exploiting multiprocessing but dividing processing intervals by load time with a 1 day precision::

    $ elasticsearch_tocsv -i my_sample_index -f "@timestamp,field_1,field_2" -sd "2020-01-01T00:00:00" -ed "2020-02-01T00:00:00" -t "@timestamp" -em true -lbi 1d


Known bugs and required fixes

  1. Standard output multiprocessing printing when progress bars are not disabled
This is a known issue. When multiprocessing is enabled, progress bars printing might get a bit messy from time to time. This doesn't present any real usage problems, but I know it might be a bit annoying. It'll hopefully be fixed as soon as possible.



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