Cross-platform ENIAM with useful bindings :rocket:
This project provides only a wrapper for ENIAM (see online source code)
Author of original code is Wojciech Jaworski.
Using eniam library
- First, you have to install eniam by calling
pip install eniam
- Then you can try parsing some example phrases (see
from eniam import *
dom_result = Eniam(['KOT', 'MYSZ'], {
rule(lemma='kot',pos=subst,case=nom): gram('KOT'),
rule(lemma='gonić',pos=fin,person=ter): (ip<gram('KOT'))>gram('MYSZ'),
rule(lemma='mysz',pos=subst,case=acc): gram('MYSZ'),
root_rule(): s % ip,
}, ['KOT', 'MYSZ', 'ZDARZENIE'], {
valence_rule('kot', 'noun'): 'KOT',
valence_rule('mysz', 'noun'): 'MYSZ',
valence_rule('gonić', 'verb'): 'ZDARZENIE',
}).dom("Kot goni mysz.")
Eniam syntax
The eniam library uses custom primitive AST the most of the operations looks exactly the same as in normal ENIAM convensions except for those modifications:
is replaced with >
is replaced with <
ip{ |x1, |x2, |x3... |xn}
is replaced with ip[ x1 | x2 | ... | xn]
is replaced with function optional(x)
is replaced with a % x
- the grammar can contain inline literals created using
function for example rule(lemma='kot',pos=subst): gram('np/np\\np'),
would be a valid rule.
Useful methods
- Showing the result in Jupyter notebook
Eniam(...).dom("Kot goni mysz.").show()
- Getting the html code
Eniam(...).dom("Kot goni mysz.").html()
- Saving the html code
Eniam(...).dom("Kot goni mysz.").save_html('output_file')
- Multiple input sentences
- Showing the result in Jupyter notebook
Eniam(...).dom(["Kot goni mysz.", "Mysz goni kota."]).show()
Using raw ENIAM interface
Running inside docker
To run ENIAM docker please use the following commands:
$ docker run -it styczynski/eniam:1.0 /root/subsyntax --help
$ docker run -it styczynski/eniam:1.0 /root/print_lexicon --help
$ docker run -it styczynski/eniam:1.0 /root/domparser --help
Running with Python wrapper
You can install Python wrapper to get a nice wrapper around the docker container (this requires Python +3 and Docker installed):
$ pip install eniam
$ eniam-cli sub --help
$ eniam-cli lex --help
$ eniam-cli dom --help
Note: Before installing you may wish to add python /bin/ directory to the PATH variable.
On MacOS for Python 3.7 that would be:
$ export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/Cellar/python/3.7.5/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.7/bin"
See setting up Python PATH