The ePyUnit package provides extensions for the integrated
Testautomation and Debugging of executables and scipts as subprocesses.
Technically ePyUnit provides extensions for the
PyUnit and PyDev/Eclipse frameworks for blackbox tests
and seamless integrated debugging of executables and scripts including nested calls of subprocesses.
The standard frameworks, libraries and IDEs provide components as presented
by the following figure.::
. :
+----------------+ : +---------------------------+
| unittest | : | scripts and executables |
+---+------------+---+ : +---+-----------------------+---+
| automation | : | debugging |
+----------------+ : +---------------------------+
. :
These are extended by framework features for the
seamless cross-process integration of scripts and programs.::
+------------------------------+ +-----------------------------+
| automation and unittest | | seamless cross-process |
| for arbitrary | <---> | debugging |
| scripts and executables | | |
+------------------------------+ +-----------------------------+
|<--- seamless integration --->|
The included automation extension for the PyDev/Eclipse based debugging
of -- local and remote -- Python subprocesses provides simplified support of detailed error analysis
in case of test failures.
The 'ePyUnit' package provides a minimal but sufficient approach in particular for
the low-effort test automation of scripts and tools suitable for operations of
large scale application tests as well as for daily and advanced DevOps tasks.
ePyUnit encapsulates processes and relies on PyUnit for commandline
based unit and regression tests. The main focus is general blackbox testing
of executables, for Python in addition the automation of PyDev debugging
is included , see 'https://pythonhosted.org/epyunit/call_integration.html'.
ePyUnit integrates into PyDev for the support of the graphical
Eclipse IDE of unit testing and integrated graphical debugging,
this is also supported for external processes started independently
from the commandline, see 'https://pythonhosted.org/epyunit/pydevd_integration.html'.
The ePyUnit components call the wrapped process and read the execution results
from STDOUT, STDERR, and the exit value. The values are cached by Python
variables either for further processing, or optional pass-through to the caller.
The architecture is based on the packages 'PyUnit' and 'PyDev'::
+-----------------------+ call +-----------------------+
| | ------> | |
Subprocess | ePyUnit | | Wrapped-Executable |
| | <----- | |
+-----------------------+ stdin +-----------------------+
| stderr |
| exit V
| +-----------------------+
PyDev Remote | | PyDevRDC | Debug into
Debug Server | +-----------------------+ subprocess
| |
. . . . . . . . | . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . | . . . . . . . .
| |
+-----------------------+ +-----------------------+
Python Units | PyUnit | <---> | PyDev |
+-----------------------+ +-----------------------+
| | |
V V /
+-----------+ +-----------+ /
IDE | CLI | | Eclipse |<--------------------/
+-----------+ +-----------+
The test components collect internally the data of multiple output sources and
decide based on the selection of the user parameters whether the test was successful or has failed.
Therefore a similar approach to Fuzzy-Logic is applied on mixed results consisting of partial
failures and success.
The provided scenarios are single level subprocesses::
+----------------+ +------------+
| Python-Process | <--> | Subprocess |
+----------------+ +------------+
and nested multilevel scripts and executables as subprocesses::
+----------------+ +------------+ +------------+
| Python-Process | <--> | Subprocess | <- ... --> | Subprocess |
+----------------+ +------------+ +------------+
Where each level of subprocesses could start an arbitrary number of local and remote
subprocesses itself, and either correlate or pass-through the results.
Due to some bugfixes the backport from Python3.x subprocess32 is optionally
supported when present.
The provided package comprises functional atoms for various UseCases, as well
as extension classes for the 'unittest' package to be used in combination
with PyUnit and PyDev..
The 'epyunit' package provides in particular:
Support for unit tests of shell scripts - bash - from command line and Eclipse/PyDev
The simplified reuse of executables as test-dummies within multiple test cases.
The categorization of structures defined by the directory tree.
The support of arbitrary intermixed implementation languages for executables.
The implementation supports Python(>=2.7) and integrates into the Eclipse IDE
with PyDev, and PyUnit.
The package 'epyunit' is a spin off from the project 'UnifiedSessionsManager-2.0'.
For examples and patterns see subdirectories:
Online documentation:
The installer adds a few options to the standard setuptools options.
build_doc: Creates the integrated documentation for runtime systems including API in 'epyunit/build/apidoc/epyunit'.
install_doc: Installs documents into source project 'epyunit/doc', and the 'HOME' or 'AppData'.
build_sphinx: Creates documentation for runtime system by Sphinx, html only. Calls 'callDocSphinx.sh'.
build_epydoc: Creates documentation for runtime system by Epydoc, html only. Calls 'callDocEpydoc.sh'.
test: Runs PyUnit tests by discovery.
--help-epyunit: Displays this help.
--no-install-required: Suppresses installation dependency checks, requires appropriate PYTHONPATH.
--offline: Sets online dependencies to offline, or ignores online dependencies.
--exit: Exit 'setup.py'.
After successful installation the 'selftest' verifies basic checks by:
epyunit --selftest
with the exit value '0' when OK.
The option '-v' raises the degree of verbosity for inspection
epyunit --selftest -v -v -v -v
Project Data
PROJECT: 'epyunit'
MISSION: Extend the standard PyUnit package for arbitrary ExecUnits.
VERSION: 00.02
RELEASE: 00.02
STATUS: alpha
AUTHOR: Arno-Can Uestuensoez
COPYRIGHT: Copyright (C) 2010,2011,2015-2016 Arno-Can Uestuensoez @Ingenieurbuero Arno-Can Uestuensoez
LICENSE: Artistic-License-2.0 + Forced-Fairplay-Constraints
Refer to enclose documents:
Versions and Releases
Planned Releases:
RELEASE: 00.00.00x - Pre-Alpha: Extraction of the features from hard-coded application into a reusable package.
RELEASE: 00.01.00x - Alpha: Completion of basic features.
RELEASE: 00.02.00x - Alpha: Completion of features, stable interface.
RELEASE: 00.03.00x - Beta: Accomplish test cases for medium to high complexity.
RELEASE: 00.04.00x - Production: First production release. Estimated number of UnitTests := 1000.
RELEASE: 00.05.00x - Production: Various performance enhancements.
RELEASE: 00.06.00x - Production: Security review.
RELEASE: > - Production: Stable and compatible continued development.
Current Release: 00.02.012 - Alpha:
This is a nightly-build, next following soon.
Major Changes:
Current test status:
ATTENTION: Some of the tests involve the remote debug feature of PyDev/Eclipse,
thus require a running local RemoteDebugServer, see manuals.
Total: >800