Ethereum Utilities

Common utility functions for python code that interacts with Ethereum
Read the documentation.
View the change log.
python -m pip install eth-utils
Developer Setup
If you would like to hack on eth-utils, please check out the Snake Charmers
Tactical Manual
for information on how we do:
- Testing
- Pull Requests
- Documentation
We use pre-commit to maintain consistent code style. Once
installed, it will run automatically with every commit. You can also run it manually
with make lint
. If you need to make a commit that skips the pre-commit
checks, you
can do so with git commit --no-verify
Development Environment Setup
You can set up your dev environment with:
git clone
cd eth-utils
virtualenv -p python3 venv
. venv/bin/activate
python -m pip install -e ".[dev]"
pre-commit install
Update Networks
The list of networks resides in the JSON file under eth_utils/__json/eth_networks.json.
This file is used to initialize Networks, which can be used to obtain network
information with a chain ID.
Run the script to update the JSON file with the response from the remote list.
If there are new networks they will appear in the JSON file. After checking the updates,
open a PR to make them available in a new release.
Release setup
To release a new version:
make release bump=$$VERSION_PART_TO_BUMP$$
How to bumpversion
The version format for this repo is {major}.{minor}.{patch}
for stable, and
for unstable (stage
can be alpha or beta).
To issue the next version in line, specify which part to bump,
like make release bump=minor
or make release bump=devnum
. This is typically done from the
main branch, except when releasing a beta (in which case the beta is released from main,
and the previous stable branch is released from said branch).
If you are in a beta version, make release bump=stage
will switch to a stable.
To issue an unstable version when the current version is stable, specify the
new version explicitly, like make release bump="--new-version 4.0.0-alpha.1 devnum"