Get all transactions from Etherscan direct to a simple spreadsheet.
Searches supported
More functionality will be added on eventually. For now it can pull.
- Ethereum transactions by address
- ERC20 transactions by address
Getting started
The easiest way to use this tool is to download it from pip.
pip install ethercram
It requires python 3.10 or later.
To use the command line scraping tools, you must include API credentials in a config file. Edit config.json to include your Etherscan authentication token.
Need help getting your token, instructions to create an account and generate a token can be found in the Etherscan API documentation.
ethercram eth -w 0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045 -p 2017-01-01 -r 2018-01-01
Scrapes the transaction history of Vitalik Buterin to an autogenerated filename in your current path for transactions during the year 2017.
ethercram eth -w 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -b 0 -k 1000000 -o black_hole.csv
Crosses the event horizon to see the erc20s sent to the black hole address during the first million blocks to a csv called "black_hole.csv".
Remember to set the location of your config file that has your api key with the --config or -c flag! The config is a small json and you can download the tempalte here.