.. image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/filesplit.png
:target: https://badge.fury.io/py/filesplit
File splitting and merging made easy for python programmers!
This module
* Can split files of any size into multiple chunks and also merge them back.
* Can handle both structured and unstructured files.
System Requirements
Operating System: Windows/Linux/Mac
Python version: 3.x.x
The module is available as a part of PyPI and can be easily installed
using pip
pip install filesplit
Create an instance
.. code-block:: python
from filesplit.split import Split
split = Split(inputfile: str, outputdir: str)
(str, Required) - Path to the original file.
(str, Required) - Output directory path to write the file splits.
With the instance created, the following methods can be used on the instance
bysize (size: int, newline: Optional[bool] = False, includeheader: Optional[bool] = False, callback: Optional[Callable] = None) -> None
Splits file by size.
``size`` (int, Required): Max size in bytes that is allowed in each split.
``newline`` (bool, Optional): Setting this to True will not produce any incomplete lines in each split. Defaults to False.
``includeheader`` (bool, Optional): Setting this to True will include header in each split. The first line is treated as a header. Defaults to False.
``callback`` (Callable, Optional): Callback function to invoke after each split. The callback function should accept two arguments [func (str, int)] - full path to the split file,
split file size (bytes). Defaults to None.
bylinecount(self, linecount: int, includeheader: Optional[bool] = False, callback: Optional[Callable] = None) -> None
Splits file by line count.
``linecount`` (int, Required): Max lines that is allowed in each split.
``includeheader`` (bool, Optional): Setting this to True will include header in each split. The first line is treated as a header. Defaults to False.
``callback`` (Callable, Optional): Callback function to invoke after each split. The callback function should accept two arguments [func (str, int)] - full path to the split file,
split file size (bytes). Defaults to None.
The file splits are generated in this fashion ``[original_filename]_0001.ext, [original_filename]_0002.ext, .., [original_filename]_n.ext``.
A manifest file is also created in the output directory to keep track of the file splits. This manifest file is required for merge operation.
* The delimiter for the generated splits can be changed by setting ``splitdelimiter`` property like ``split.splitdelimiter='$'``. Default is ``_`` (underscore).
* The number of zero fill digits for the generated splits can be changed by setting ``splitzerofill`` property like ``split.splitzerofill=10``. Default is 4.
* The manifest file name for the generated splits can be changed by setting ``manfilename`` property like ``split.manfilename='man'``. Default is ``manifest``.
* To forcefully and safely terminate the process set the property ``terminate`` to True while the process is running.
Create an instance
.. code-block:: python
from filesplit.merge import Merge
merge = Merge(inputdir: str, outputdir: str, outputfilename: str)
``inputdir`` (str, Required) - Path to the directory containing file splits.
``outputdir`` (str, Required) - Output directory path to write the merged file.
``outputfilename`` (str, Required) - Name to use for the merged file.
With the instance created, the following method can be used on the instance
merge(cleanup: Optional[bool] = False, callback: Optional[Callable] = None) -> None
Merges the split files back into one single file.
``cleanup`` (bool, Optional): If True, all the split files and manifest file will be purged after successful merge. Defaults to False.
``callback`` (Callable, Optional): Callback function to invoke after merge. The callback function should accept two arguments [func (str, int)] - full path to the merged file,
merged file size (bytes). Defaults to None.
* The manifest file name can be changed by setting ``manfilename`` property like ``merge.manfilename='man'``.
The manifest file name should match with the one used during the file split process and should be available in the same directory as that of file splits. Default is ``manifest``.
* To forcefully and safely terminate the process set the property ``terminate`` to True while the process is running.