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A Flake8 <https://flake8.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html>
_ plugin to ensure a consistent format for multiline containers.
Install from pip
.. code-block:: sh
pip install flake8-multiline-containers
===== ====
Code Rule
===== ====
JS101 Multi-line container not broken after opening character
JS102 Multi-line container does not close on same column as opening
===== ====
.. code-block:: python
Right: Opens and closes on same line
foo = {'a': 'hello', 'b': 'world'}
Right: Line break after parenthesis, closes on same column as opening
foo = {
'a': 'hello',
'b': 'world',
Right: Line break after parenthesis, closes on same column as opening
foo = [
'hello', 'world',
Wrong: JS101
foo = {'a': 'hello',
'b': 'world',
Wrong: JS101, JS102
foo = {'a': 'hello',
'b': 'world'}
Wrong: JS101, JS102
foo = {'hello',