is a Python package used to analyze the performance of the Fast Meteor Detection Toolbox's executables.
This branch contains the fmdt
's documentation and a series of scripts that showcase fmdt
's functionality.
pip install fmdt-python
In order to use the functions fmdt.detect
and fmdt.visu
(to call fmdt-detect
and fmdt-visu
, respectively) you need to have fmdt-detect
and fmdt-visu
compiled and locatable via your system's
Example Usage
In order to actually use fmdt
you need to have installed the Fast Meteor Detection Toolbox
and have the executables fmdt-detect
, fmdt-visu
, and fmdt-check
on your system PATH
import fmdt
fmdt.detect("demo.mp4", trk_out_path="ex1_detect_tracks.txt")
fmdt.split_video_at_meteors("demo.mp4", "ex1_detect_tracks.txt")
Comprehensive documentation is hosted at readthedocs