.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/fortifyapi.svg
.. image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/pyversions/fortifyapi.svg
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Fortify API
Fortify API is a Python RESTFul API client module for Fortify's Software Security Center <https://www.microfocus.com/en-us/products/software-security-assurance-sdlc/overview/>
Quick Start
Several quick start options are available:
- Build locally: ``pip install wheel setuptools && python setup.py build``
- Install with pip (recommended): ``pip install fortifyapi``
- `Download the latest release <https://pypi.org/project/fortifyapi/>`__.
.. code:: python
from os import environ
from locale import LC_ALL, setlocale
from fortifyapi.fortify import FortifyApi
# Set encoding
environ["PYTHONIOENCODING"] = "utf-8"
myLocale = setlocale(category=LC_ALL, locale="en_GB.UTF-8")
# Set vars for connection
url = 'https://some-fortify-host/ssc'
user = 'Fortify SSC User'
password = 'Fortify SSC Password'
description = 'fortifyapi test client'
# Authenticate and retrieve token
def token():
api = FortifyApi(host=url, username=user, password=password, verify_ssl=False)
response = api.get_token(description=description)
return response.data['data']['token']
# Re-use token in all requests
def api():
api = FortifyApi(host=url, token=token(), verify_ssl=False)
return api
# List ID, Project/application Version
def list():
response = api().get_all_project_versions()
data = response.data['data']
for version in data:
print("{0:8} {1:30} {2:30}".format(version['id'], version['project']['name'], version['name']).encode(
'utf-8', errors='ignore').decode())
if __name__ == '__main__':
Bugs and Feature Requests
Found something that doesn't seem right or have a feature request? Please open a new issue.
Copyright and License
.. image:: https://img.shields.io/github/license/fortifyadmin/fortifyapi.svg?style=flat-square