Gapy is a thin service account client for Google Analytics.
Get set up
First you need to create either a service account <>
_ or client ID in your
Google API Console <>
_. If you're
authenticating as a service account you'll need to download your private key.
If you're authenticating as a web or installed application you'll need to
download your client secrets file. Use the Google Developers Console <>
_ to do this:
- Create a Project for thte application, and add the Analytics API to the Enabled APIs list.
- In "Credentials", click "Create new Client ID".
- Choose "Installed Application" and type should be "Other".
- Once it's generated your ID, click the new "Download JSON" button and save this file as client_secrets.json.
Then just create a gapy client and start querying.
is the location where you want gapy to keep the storage.db
file that it will generate the first time it runs.- Ids, metrics and dimensions can be provided as lists or single values.
.. code :: python
import gapy.client
# For a service account
client = gapy.client.from_private_key(
"your account name",
private_key="your private key",
# For a web or installed application
client = gapy.client.from_secrets_file(
reach_data = client.query.get("12345",
datetime(2012, 1, 1),
datetime(2012, 2, 2),
['ga:visits', 'ga:visitors'],
Google API documentation
This library is a layer over the Google Python API. If you wish to work on it, it may be necessary to consult the Google Analytics API documentation <>