Gfx2Cuda - Graphics to CUDA interoperability
Gfx2Cuda is a python implementation of CUDA's graphics interopability methods for DirectX, OpenGL, etc.
The main usage is for quick transfer of images rendered with for example Godot or Unity to CUDA memory buffers such as
pytoch tensors, without needing to transfer the image to cpu and back to gpu.
For now only DirectX 11 is supported. This can be useful for implementing CUDA ipc (interprocess-communication) for
Windows, since that functionality is not available in vanilla CUDA for Windows.
You would use a DirectX texture as buffer that can be seen by multiple processes without having to download any gpu data
to cpu and back.
Render to texture and copy to pytorch tensor
import gfx2cuda
import torch
shape = [480, 640, 4]
tensor1 = torch.ones(shape).contiguous().cuda()
tensor2 = torch.zeros(shape).contiguous().cuda()
tex = gfx2cuda.texture(tensor1)
with tex as ptr:
Share texture between process, write on one process and see results in the other
from multiprocessing import Process
import gfx2cuda
import torch
shape = [4, 4, 4]
def f(handle):
tex = gfx2cuda.open_ipc_texture(handle)
tensor1 = torch.ones(shape).contiguous().cuda()
with tex:
if __name__ == "__main__":
tensor = torch.zeros(shape).contiguous().cuda()
tex = gfx2cuda.texture(tensor)
p = Process(target=f, args=(tex.ipc_handle,))
with tex: