Hong Kong Finance Database
To install the latest version:
pip install hkfdb
Before you start, please make sure you have done the following:
- subscribe the data from our website
- get the personal authToken
- create an client object from class Database
- have fun!
create client object with authToken and class Database:
import hkfdb
authToken = 'personal_authToken'
client = hkfdb.Database(authToken)
Major Functions
Price Data:
- get_hk_stock_ohlc()
- get_us_stock_ohlc()
- get_hk_fut_ohlc()
- get_hk_deri_daily_market_report()
- get_ccass_all_id()
- get_ccass_by_code()
- get_ccass_holding_rank()
- get_ccass_by_id()
- get_ccass_by_id_change()
Index list:
- get_spx_index_const()
- get_hk_index_const()
- get_hk_stock_plate_const()
- get_all_hk_index_name()
- get_all_hk_stock_plate_name()
Earning Calendar:
- get_us_earning_calendar_by_date()
- get_us_earning_calendar_by_code()
- get_hk_earning_calendar_by_code()
- get_hk_earning_calendar_by_date()
- get_hk_market_cap_hist()
- get_hk_ipo_hist()
- get_north_water()
- get_market_highlight()
- get_hk_buyback_by_date()
- get_hk_buyback_by_code()
- get_basic_hk_stock_info()