Simple parser of igblast results
Igblast allows to view the matches to the germline V, D and J genes, details at rearrangement junctions and a lot more (see documentation).
The output includes a lot of information in a format that can't be directly used in statistical analyses.
This simple script parses igblast output into a csv formatted table, easy to understand and ready to include in a statistical analysis.
While docs are not ready:
Command line executable in unix-like systems:
cat <igblast.output> | igblast-parser
Pipe is not obligatory as the input could be specified with the argument --in
optional argument: --out
to specify the prefix of the output csv file
igblast-parser --in <igblast.output> --out <parser_output>
In interactive python or script
f_in = open('igblast.output','r')
d = igblast_parse(f)
import pandas
df = pandas.DataFrame(d).T