.. image:: https://github.com/inception-tools/inception-tools/workflows/Release%20Build/badge.svg
:target: https://github.com/inception-tools/inception-tools/actions?query=workflow%3A%22Release+Build%22
.. image:: https://github.com/inception-tools/inception-tools/workflows/Nightly%20Development%20Build/badge.svg
:target: https://github.com/inception-tools/inception-tools/actions?query=workflow%3A%22Nightly+Development+Build%22
.. image:: https://github.com/inception-tools/inception-tools/workflows/Development%20Test%20Suite/badge.svg
:target: https://github.com/inception-tools/inception-tools/actions?query=workflow%3A%22Development+Test+Suite%22
Under Construction
Hello and welcome to the inception-tools
The goal of this project is to create, foster, and disseminate solid conventions for
Python project structure through the propagation and reuse of project archetypes,
developed and submitted by the community, which can be used as templates for
automatically setting up new Python projects.
This project is currently under construction. This documentation describes current
state of application functionality. The application currently supports a set of
standard archetypes
- simple - a basic project shell
- cli - for creating command-line interface projects
- lib - for developing and publishing a Python libraries
Support for user-defined archetypes is coming. Please check back periodically to
see what's new.
If you would like to see updates or additions to the standard archetypes, the templates
are located in the archetypes
_ directory and are made available to the CLI through
the StandardArchetype
_ class. Please submit a PR for review using the instructions in
the Bugs, Contribution, and Feedback
_ section, or reach out to the author's email
listed at the bottom of this document.
.. _archetypes
: https://github.com/inception-tools/inception-tools/tree/develop/inception_tools/data/archetypes/
.. _StandardArchetype
: https://github.com/inception-tools/inception-tools/blob/develop/inception_tools/standard_archetype.py
Create a new Python project, ready to go, with a single command!
Inception-tools is a command-line application designed to create new software
projects (in particular, Python-based projects) using a set of standardized project
The base inception-tools
package provides:
- Simple command-line invocation for creating "stubbed-out" Python projects,
parameterized through the command-line call.
- A set of standard archetypes for common Python project types:
- simple
- Creates a basic project shell.
- cli
- Creates a project shell geared toward developing and publishing a
Python-based command-line application.
- lib
- Creates a project shell geared specifically toward developing and
publishing a Python library
- Each standard archetype creates a shell project structure with files,
directories, class and function stubs, completely set up and ready for
publication to PyPI using a standardized set of Makefile targets.
Python Package Index:
GitHub Repository:
Download and install the latest version of this application from the Python
package index (PyPI) as follows:
pip install inception-tools
Note that inception-tools
has dependencies on the following packages:
These should be automatically installed by pip
using the command-line
Once Inception Tools has been installed, you can create a new project shell
as follows:
it incept package_name [project_root]
This will create a new project (using the standard application
archetype) under the directory project_root
using additional parameters
stored in file inception-tools.cfg
The package name that will used for your new project, e.g.
. This will be used to create for the name of the
package, for the name of a stub entry point files, and in the names of
test modules. It will also be used as the relative path for the
argument in the event that it is omitted (see below).
(optional) default: package_name
The path to the directory under which your project should be installed,
e.g. inception-tools
Example `installing to a directory my_package in the current working
it incept my_package
Example `installing to a directory called my_project in the user's home
it incept my_package ~/my_project
The following options are also available:
The name of the package author, e.g. 'Jane Doe'. Defaults to '[author-name]'.
The email address of the author, e.g. 'jane.doe@inception-tools.org'.
The name of the organization sponsoring development for the project, e.g.
Determines the archetype used to create the stub project. Defaults to 'cli'. Must be
one of the following:
- simple
- Creates a basic project shell.
- cli
- Creates a project shell geared toward developing and publishing a
Python-based command-line application.
- lib
- Creates a project shell geared specifically toward developing and
publishing a Python library
is released under the Apache Software License v2.0 - see the files
for further details.
Bugs, Contribution, and Feedback
Contributions and feedback are welcome. Contributions can be made by opening
a pull request at the inception-tools
_ and tagging @avanherick
review. Please see the Development
section of this document for code style
and branching guidelines.
.. _repository
: https://github.com/inception-tools/inception-tools/
This project was created to fill what looked like a lack of standardized
conventions practices for structuring Python projects, and out of the desire
to avoid the need to manually create the same directory and file structures
over and over again.
If you come across this project and know of other project which accomplish
similar goals, or of documented standards around Python project structure,
we would welcome hearing about them.
Please submit feedback, bugs, feature requests, and code changes using GitHub
Repository Management:
Inception Tools manages its repository using the GitFlow
_ model.
.. _GitFlow
: https://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/
Code style:
Inception Tools code should adhere to the PEP 8
_ guidelines with the exception
of maximum line length, which instead uses black
_'s default of 88.
.. _PEP 8
: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0008/
.. _black
: https://github.com/psf/black
Inception Tools uses semantic versioning and adheres to the guidelines
specified here
.. _here
: https://semver.org/
- All builds are automated through GitHub actions.
- Development builds are executed against the develop
- Beta builds are executed with each push to the master
- Release builds are triggered by the creation of a release through GitHub.
:author: Andrew van Herick
:email: avanherick@gmail.com
:date: 2022-01-03