This contains tools to use the IONOS DNS management API in oder to perform letsencrypt DNS challenges
Getting started with your project
First, create a repository on GitHub with the same name as this project, and then run the following commands:
git init -b main
git add .
git commit -m "init commit"
git remote add origin
git push -u origin main
Finally, install the environment and the pre-commit hooks with
make install
You are now ready to start development on your project! The CI/CD
pipeline will be triggered when you open a pull request, merge to main,
or when you create a new release.
To finalize the set-up for publishing to PyPi or Artifactory, see
For activating the automatic documentation with MkDocs, see
To enable the code coverage reports, see here.
Releasing a new version
- Create an API Token on Pypi.
- Add the API Token to your projects secrets with the name
by visiting
this page. - Create a new release on Github.
Create a new tag in the form
For more details, see here.
Repository initiated with fpgmaas/cookiecutter-poetry.