JSON Abstract Data Notation (JADN)
JADN <https://docs.oasis-open.org/openc2/jadn/v1.0/cs01/jadn-v1.0-cs01.html>
is an information modeling <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8477#section-2>
language used to define the information
needed by applications and to serialize that information using one or more data formats.
It has several purposes, including convenient and expressive definition of data structures,
validation of data instances, providing hints for user interfaces working with structured data,
and facilitating protocol internationalization. A JADN specification consists of two parts:
an Information Model (abstract schema) that is independent of data format,
and serialization rules that define how to represent information using a specific data format.
A single JADN schema defines protocol data in multiple formats including XML, JSON, and
an actually-concise CBOR format. Additional data formats can be defined and applied to any
JADN schema.
The software in this package is organized by function:
core: Load, validate, and save a JADN schema.
codec: Validate, encode, and decode application information using a specified data format:
- Idiomatic (verbose) JSON
- Minimized (concise) JSON
- XML*
convert: Convert JADN schema between JSON and documentation formats:
- text-based Interface Definition Language (IDL)
- html tables
- markdown tables
- GraphViz and PlantUML diagrams
transform: Process a JADN schema to produce another JADN schema:
- combine definitions from separate schemas into a single schema
- split a schema that defines multiple objects into separate schemas for each object
- remove unused definitions
- delete or truncate comments
translate: Convert a JADN schema into a concrete schema language:
- JSON Schema
- XSD*
- Protobuf*
* Planned
The quickstart.py <https://github.com/davaya/jadn-pypkg/blob/main/distribution/quickstart.py>
script illustrates how to use these functions:
define and validate a schema
convert the schema to and from documentation formats
truncate comments
translate a JADN schema to JSON Schema
validate messages and serialize using multiple data formats:
Make Artifacts
The make_artifacts.py <https://github.com/davaya/jadn-pypkg/blob/main/distribution/make_artifacts.py>
script translates all JADN schemas in a source directory to multiple formats in an output directory.
Input formats are:
- HTML (with tags produced by this package)
Output formats are:
- Core JADN (with extensions removed)
- HTML tables
- Markdown tables
- GraphViz diagram
- PlantUML diagram
- JSON Schema
Jerome Czachor - Massive code cleanup, type hinting, conversion classes, refactor using datatypes
Comments on this software can be submitted using GitHub <https://github.com/davaya/jadn-pypkg>
_ issues and pull requests.
The JADN <https://docs.oasis-open.org/openc2/jadn/v1.0/cs01/jadn-v1.0-cs01.html>
specification is being developed by the OASIS OpenC2 Technical Committee.
OASIS members may participate directly in its development;
others may participate indirectly using GitHub issues or the
openc2-comment <https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=openc2>
_ public mail list.