A schema-free database for JSON documents, exposed through a REST API, with searching implemented using a flexible matching algorithm.
A quick start:
.. code-block:: bash
$ pip install jsonstore
$ jsonstore
* Running on
Creating a document:
.. code-block:: bash
$ curl -v -d '{"foo":"bar","baz":{"count":42}}'
< HTTP/1.0 201 Created
< Location:
< etag: "348f16ee0c0856d853117bde8413a4270d1d3487"
"foo": "bar",
"baz": {
"count": 42
"__id__": "72dcf1ee-8efd-4d7f-8ca1-2eda2bf85099",
"__updated__": "2012-05-09T20:33:36.928075+00:00"
Searching the store:
.. code-block:: bash
$ curl -g '{"baz":{"count":"GreaterThan(40)"}}'
"foo": "bar",
"baz": {
"count": 42
"__id__": "72dcf1ee-8efd-4d7f-8ca1-2eda2bf85099",
"__updated__": "2012-05-09T20:33:36.928075+00:00"
It also has a Python API. The above code would be done like this:
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> from jsonstore.client import EntryManager
>>> from jsonstore.operators import GreaterThan
>>> em = EntryManager('')
>>> em.create(foo="bar", "baz"={"count": 42})
>>> results = em.search(baz={"count": GreaterThan(40)})
Or like this, just for fun:
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> from jsonstore.dsl import Store
>>> store = Store('')
>>> { "foo": "bar", "baz": { "count": 42 } } >> store
>>> results = store | { "baz": { "count": GreaterThan(40) } }
Please see the website for more examples <http://code.dealmeida.net/jsonstore>