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A Jupyter Server Session Manager that rehydrates and synchronizes Jupyter sessions (e.g. notebook-kernel connections).



Jupyter Server Synchronizer

Build Status codecov

A Jupyter Server Session Manager that persists and rehydrates kernel sessions beyond the lifetime of a server.

This is particularly useful for Jupyter Servers running remote kernels and contents.

Basic usage

Install and enable the extension:

pip install jupyter_server_synchronizer

jupyter server extension enable jupyter_server_synchronizer

When you start a Jupyter Server, it synchronize all managers before the Web application is started.

jupyter server --ServerApp.session_manager_class=jupyter_server_synchronizer.SynchronizerSessionManager

To synchronize periodically, enable the auto-synchronizing feature using the autosync config option. For example,

jupyter server --ServerApp.session_manager_class=jupyter_server_synchronizer.SynchronizerSessionManager --SynchronizerSessionManager.autosync=True

Otherwise, you can trigger the synchronization making a POST request to the /api/sync endpoint.


Below is a example of running the synchronizer with Jupyter Server talking to a Jupyter Kernel Gateway as its "remote" kernel service provider.

First, start the Kernel Gateway. You'll need to enable the list_kernels method. In the example, we are assuming the Kernel Gateway is not multi-tenant; i.e. there is a single KG for a single Jupyter Server. We'll set the port to 9999 to free up 8888 for our Jupyter Server.

jupyter kernelgateway \
    --port 9999 \

Second, start the Jupyter Server and point it at the Kernel Gateway. Note that we set a database_filepath trait in both the SessionManager and SynchronizerExtension (these paths don't need to be the same). The Synchronize relies on saving/storing of information about Jupyter kernels and sessions in a persistent database. This information is necessary to rehydrate and synchronize.

We'll enable the "autosync" feature to periodically synchronize the server.

jupyter lab \
    --gateway-url= \
    --SynchronizerSessionManager.database_filepath=jupyter-database.db \
    --SynchronizerSessionManager.autosync=True \

Now, let's kill that server:

kill -9 $(echo $(pgrep -lf jupyter-lab) | awk '{print $1;}')

And restart it to see if the kernels rehydrate and begin synchronizing again.

jupyter lab \
    --gateway-url= \
    --SessionManager.database_filepath=jupyter-database.db \
    --SynchronizerSessionManager.autosync=True \



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