This is a collection of modules for analyses related to astrophysics by Dr. Kornpob Bhirombhakdi. Contact: kbhirombhakdi@stsci.edu
Tasks include:
- dqmask.py = handle data quality (DQ) arrays
- container.py = handle declaring attibutes given keys and values
- segmentation.py = wrapper for making a segmentation map (used to be source.py in version < 1.2.0)
- sub2full.py = mapping a subarray image back to its full frame
- gnd.py = wrapper, and main class for grism reduction
- grismconf.py = read conf file for grism reduction
- grismsens.py = read sens file for grism reduction
- grismapcorr.py = read aperture correction table, and calculate aperture correction factor
- grismmeta.py = construct meta info
- make_sip.py = calculate Simple Imaging Polynomial (SIP)
- photapcorr.py = read photometric calibration table, and prepare calibration factors (i.e., encircled energy correction, and photometric AB zeropoint)
- mag2flux.py = converting ABmag to flam
Known issues:
- ACS photometric zeropoints are set to 0.
- Memory
- No description/documentation
- Handling other telescopes
- flux2mag.py
- AB2Vega.py
- Vega2AB.py
- WFC3 subarray
- drz gets brighter about 10%
- test new code with ACS-WFC, and other WFC3-IR
- Combine 1D spectra
- Use assertion for error handling (http://swcarpentry.github.io/python-novice-inflammation/09-defensive/index.html)
- HST-ACS-WFC flux calibration
- Fix drz getting brigther
- Implement ACS subarray
- Implement ('HST','ACS','WFC') as identifier
- Implement grismcrclean.py, grismmodel.py, grismcalibpath.py, grismdrz.py
- Change grismconf.py, grismsens.py, gnd.py, dqmask.py
- Implement grismmeta.py
- HST-ACS-WFC is available for wavelength calibration, but not flux calibration
- HST-ACS-WFC subarray is applicable
- Change the construction of GrismCONF, and GrismSens
- GND.make_pairs(pairs=None) can automatically make pairs
- GND.make_xyd(xyd=None, init=init, inittype='radec') can automatically find a centroid given init
- GND.show(method='meta', output=True) returns the table instead of displaying it
- GND.make_drz() is deactivated
- GND.save takes filename
- Fix GND.show(method='flam') handling xmin, xmax
- GND.show(method='stamp') takes dqon
- Add functionalities in GND.show(method='clean', traceon=True, zoom=True)
- Implement: photapcorr.py, mag2flux.py
- New APIs: gnd.py
- Demo provided
- Implement: grismapcorr.py, make_sip.py
- Fix import
- Implement: grismconf.py, gnd.py, grismsens.py
- Implement: sub2full.py
- Change: source.py to segmentation.py
- Fix description: segmentation.py
- Implement: container.py, source.py
- Fix description: dqmask.py
- Fix description of dqmask.py
- Fix import modules in dqmask.py
- Implement dqmask.py