Marquee Text Widget for Kivy

This provides a Marquee Text widget for Kivy.
This widget is part of the EBS widget collection for Kivy. It is written in
mostly Python and depends on the EBS core widgets and widget infrastructure package.
For more information, see kivy_garden.ebs.core
See for the rendered flower docs.
Please see the garden instructions for
how to use kivy garden flowers.
Every push or pull request run the GitHub Action CI.
It tests the code on various OS and also generates wheels that can be released on PyPI upon a
tag. Docs are also generated and uploaded to the repo as well as artifacts of the CI.
Check out our contribution guide and feel free to improve the flower.
This software is released under the terms of the MIT License.
Please see the LICENSE.txt file.
How to release
See the garden instructions for how to make a new release.