Getting started
Besides just installing klembrett via pip, you will need to make sure a couple system packages are installed.
We use keybinder for global shortcuts and gtk3 for clipboard handling and the popup menus, so make sure the
packages for your distro are installed, also make sure the typelib files for gobject introspection are installed
if your distribution ships them as seperate packages (as Debian/Ubuntu does).
apt-get install libgirepository1.0-dev gir1.2-keybinder-3.0 gir1.2-gtk-3.0 gir1.2-glib-2.0
pip install klemmbrett
If you do not like to install pip packages into your system globally, either use a virtualenv or pip install --user
Adding your own stuff
Actions trigger the execution of a commandline with the clipboard contents injected at a user specified position.
To configure a simple action, find the actions section in the config file and add a new label = command
To inject the current clipboard contents, use %s
anywhere in the commandline string.
search = firefox "http://www.duckduckgo.com/?q=%s"
Static Snippets
Although snippets also have the ability to product a side-effect by executing python code, it's main goal is to
produce content that is place in the clipboard for you to use. The simplest form is static content. This is done
the same way an action is configured, just add a label = text
pair to the snippets and the snippet should
be available to you when you hit the snippets shortcut.
Dynamic Snippets
Static snippets are boring, what makes the snippets really useful is the possibility to run a python callable
that uses the current clipboard contents to generate new clipboard contents. To tell Klemmbrett to do this,
just prefix the label with callable. and make the text part the global path to a python callable in dotted
callable.n2c = klemmbrett.callable.newline_to_comma
This will add a stock callable snippet to your snippets menu, that converts newline sequences to commas.
This can for example be used to vertically select a column of an sql query output in the mysql oder psql
commandline clients, and convert it to content suitable for reuse in an IN() condition.
Advanced dynamic snippets
Sometimes you want to configure more than just a simple dynamic snippet, perhaps you want to parameterize
your calls for different situations so you do not copy, paste & modify your code too often.
To do that, instead of adding a new key to the snippets section, you add a new section named snippet <label>
In that section you can now add an arbitrary number of keys that get passed to the callable in addition to
the reserved keys that are required to setup the snippet.
[snippet random product]
callable = klemmbrett.callable.alchemy.statement
engine = postgres://user:pw@host/database
statement = select id from products limit 1
Additionally, the statement plugin passes the current clipboard contents to the prepared statement as :0,
so you may do a lookup based on it and return what has been found.
[snippet lookup product name]
callable = klemmbrett.callable.alchemy.statement
engine = postgres://user:pw@host/database
statement = select name from products where id = :0 limit 1