Security News
Data Theft Repackaged: A Case Study in Malicious Wrapper Packages on npm
The Socket Research Team breaks down a malicious wrapper package that uses obfuscation to harvest credentials and exfiltrate sensitive data.
Open Kage's useful tools and class to public. (Long time used and upgraded) But, this is develope version. So, suddenly it will be big change when I got some more good idea. make to seperate to Import from kmisc
pip3 install kmport
Method's global variables
Standard Output Print without new line symbol
Standard Error Print without new line symbol
python version check
if PyVer(3): # If Python version 3 then ...
Find Excuatable command location
if find_executable('ping'): # if ping command is in the system
ping_path=find_executable('ping') # Get ping command full path
Get Byte type name
Convert data to bytes data
Convert data to String data
Convert data to Int data when possible. if not then return default (original data)
support data type: int,float,digit number,list,tuple
default: (default org)
org : fail then return or keeping the input data
True,False,None: fail then return default value in single data or ignore the item in list
sym : split symbol when input is string
err :
False: replace data for possible positions
True : if convert error in list/tuple then return default
Similar as join function.
Join(['a','b','c'],' ') same as ' '.join(['a','b','c'])
Join(['a','b','c'],'\n',append_front=' ')
Join(['a','b','c'],'\n',append_end=' ')
b <newline>
c <newline>
Join(['a','b','c'],'\n',append_front=' ',ignore_data=['b']) # Ignore 'b' data
Find Index number in the list,tuple,str,dict
default : if wrong or error then return default
err : default False
False: fixing index to correcting index without error
True: if wrong index then return default value
Get Next data or first key of the dict
ex) get send data in the list
ex) get dictionary key
Copy data
Get input's Type,Instance's name
TypeName(1) # int
TypeName('1') # str
TypeName(int) # int
TypeName('int') # int
TypeName(str) # str
TypeName('str') # str
def abc(): pass
TypeName(abc) # function
class cc:
def AA(): pass
TypeName(cc) # classobj
import os
TypeName(os) # module
Similar as isinstance(A,())
support : basic type and ('byte','bytes'),('obj','object'),('func','unboundmethod','function'),('classobj','class'),'generator','method','long',....
Searching regular expression form data and return the data
if found <find> in <data> then return True, not then False
If find "[All]" then you can type "\[All\]" at the <find> location
if not then "[]" will be work with re expression
<find> rule:
re.compile regular expression
any keep characters : *
any single character : ?
^ : start
$ : end
sense : True:(default) sensetive, False: lower and upper is same
white_space : True:(default) keep white_space, False: ignore white_space
word : True: <find> is correct word, False:(default) <find> in insde string
digitstring : True: string and intiger is same, False:(default) different
location : True: return found location ex:(3,10), False:(default) return True/False
return True/False
Check same data or not between src and dest datas
<dest> rule:
re.compile format
any keep characters : *
any single character : ?
^ : start
$ : end
order : True: if list,tuple then check ordering too, False:(default) just check data is same or not
Type : True: check Type only, False:(default) check data
sense : True: sensetive, False:(default) lower and upper is same
white_space : True: keep white space, False:(default) ignore white_space
digitstring : True:(default) string and intiger is same, False: different
Check key or value in the dict, list or tuple then True, not then False
<find> can use IsSame's <dest> rule
IsIn('abc',['AC','abc','uuu']): True ('abc' in the list['AC','abc','uuu'])
IsIn('a*c',['AC','abc','uuu']): True ('a*c' in the list['AC','abc','uuu'])
remove multi space to single space, remove first and end space
others return original
Check the SRC is similar None type data('',None) or not
-check_type=<type> : include above and if different type then the return True
-list_none :
- False: check index item in the source (default)
- True : check all list of source
-index : if source is list then just want check index item
-space :
- True : aprove space to data in source
- False: ignore space data in source
IsNone('') : True
IsNone(None) : True
IsNone([]) : True
IsNone({}) : True
IsNone(0) : False
IsNone(False): False
Check the input(src) is Variable name or not (in OBJ or in my function)
def abc(c=5):
IsVar('b') : True
IsVar('c') : True
IsVar('g') : True
IsVar('m') : False
class AA:
def __init__(self):
IsVar('abc',AA()) : True ('abc' is a variable in the AA class)
Check the find is a Function in the src object(module,class)
def abc(): pass
IsFunction('abc') : False ('abc' is not a function)
IsFunction(abc) : True (abc is a function)
IsFunction(MyModule(),'abc') : True ('abc' is a function in my module)
IsFunction(MyModule(),abc) : True (abc is a function in my module)
IsFunction(MyModule(),'abcd') : False (not found 'abcd' in my module)
Check data is Bytes or not
Check data is Int or not
- mode : int => check only int
str => int type string only
all => Int and int type string
- Define
- marge
- Update
- Append
support : Dict, list or tuple with 2 data, dict_items, Django, request data, like path type list([('/a/b',2),('/a/c',3),...]), kDict
input: source, compare_symbol(>x,<x,==,!xx), destination
return BOOL
input: source, destination, compare_symbol='>x,<x,==,!xx'
return BOOL
input: source, destination
- without compare_symbol
- out=sym : return symbol (>, ==, <) (default)
- out=int : return 1(>), 0(==), -1(<)
- out=str : return bigger(>), same(==), lower(<)
input: source
- out=str : return '3.0.1' (default)
- out=tuple : return to tuple type (3,0,1)
- out=list : return to list type [3,0,1]
version_symbol or symbol : default '.'
sort list
<list>.sort(key=CompVersion) or sorted(<list>,key=CompVersion)
Find Module Version
Install python module file
module name
install_accout='' : default None, --user : install on account's directory
upgrade :
False : default
True : Install or Upgrade the module
version :
None : default
<version>: Check the version
== <version> : if not Same version then install at the same version
>= <version> : if not bigger the version then install or upgrade
<= <version> : if not lower the version then install at the version
force : default False
True : if installed then force re-install, not then install
pkg_map: mapping package name and real package name
format => { <pkg name>: <real install pkg name> }
err : default False
True : if installing got any isseu then crashing
False: if installing got any issue then return False
basic function of import
if not found the module then automaticall install
version check and upgrade, reinstall according to the version
support requirement files
inps has "require <require file>" then install the all require files in <require file>
Import('<module name> >= <version>') : Check version and lower then automaticall upgrade
Import('<module name> == <version>') : Check version and different then automaticall reinstall with the version
Import('<module name>',path='AAA,BBB,CCCC') : import <module name> from default and extra AAA and BBB and CCC.
-path= : searching and the module in the extra path (seperate with ',' or ':' )
-force=True : unload and load again when already loaded (default: False)
-reload=True : run reload when already loaded (default: False)
-unload=True : unload module (default : False)
-err=True : show install or loading error (default: False)
-dbg=True : show comment (default : False)
-install_account=: '--user','user','myaccount','account',myself then install at my local account
default: Install by System default setting
Get Method list in Class
Get object information
type, name, method list, path, module_name, module_version, module
import requests
{'type': 'module', 'name': 'requests', 'methods': ['ConnectTimeout', 'ConnectionError', 'DependencyWarning', 'FileModeWarning', 'HTTPError', 'JSONDecodeError', 'NullHandler', 'PreparedRequest', 'ReadTimeout', 'Request', 'RequestException', 'RequestsDependencyWarning', 'Response', 'Session', 'Timeout', 'TooManyRedirects', 'URLRequired', '__author__', '__author_email__', '__build__', '__builtins__', '__cached__', '__cake__', '__copyright__', '__description__', '__doc__', '__file__', '__license__', '__loader__', '__name__', '__package__', '__path__', '__spec__', '__title__', '__url__', '__version__', '_check_cryptography', '_internal_utils', 'adapters', 'api', 'auth', 'certs', 'chardet_version', 'charset_normalizer_version', 'check_compatibility', 'codes', 'compat', 'cookies', 'delete', 'exceptions', 'get', 'head', 'hooks', 'logging', 'models', 'options', 'packages', 'patch', 'post', 'put', 'request', 'session', 'sessions', 'ssl', 'status_codes', 'structures', 'urllib3', 'utils', 'warnings'], 'path': ['/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/requests'], 'version': '2.27.1', 'module_name': 'requests', 'module': <module 'requests' from '/usr/lib/python3.10/site-packages/requests/'>}
Get current module
- parent
-1 : my current python page's module
0 : my function's module
1 : my parent's module
Get the caller name of my group function
detail=True: return (func name, line number, filename)
default : If not found caller name then return default
def A(): #Group A()
CallerName() -> Called by module's A() => A
def B(): #Group B()
CallerName() -> Called my group by A() function => A
def C():
CallerName() -> Called my group by A() function => A
A() -> Calling def A() in python script(module)
Get Function Object from frame or frame info
Get function name
- parent
0 : my name (default)
1 : my parent function
... : going top parent function
- history : Getting history (return list)
- tree : tree (return list)
- show : show tree on screen
- args : show arguments
- line_number : show line number
- filename : show filename
- obj : Get OBJ (return list)
Get function list in this object
Get Class object from instance,method,function
Get function's input Arguments
- mode
- defaults : get default (V=?,...)
- args : get args (V,V2,...)
- varargs : get varargs (*V)
- keywords : get keywords (**V)
- string : return arguments to string format
- list,tuple: return arguments to list format
default output : dictioniary format
- default : if nothing then return default value (default None)
Get Class, instance's global arguments
Get Function input parameters
Get available variable data
- src:
if None: return whole environment (dict)
if string then find the string variable in the environment
if variable then return that
- parent
0 : my function (default)
1 : my parents function
- history: from me to my top of the functions
- mode : variable area
local : function's local(inside) variable
global: function's global variable
make to uniq data
multipul split then 'a|b|...'
without "|" then same as string split function
convert string data to format
'1' => 1
json string to json format
"{'a':1}" => {'a':1}
"[1,2,3]" => [1,2,3]
return : <True/False>, Index Data
- False: not found Index form from input idx
- True : found Index
Index Data
- tuple(A,B) : Range Index (A~B)
- list [A,B] : OR Index or keys A or B
- Single : int: Index, others: key
- idx_only : only return integer index
- symbol : default None, if idx is string and want split with symbol
Get (Any) something
Get('whoami') : return my function name
Get('funclist'): return my module's function list
- parent=1 : my parent's function list
Get(<list|string|dict|int|...>,<index|key|keypath>): Get data at the <index|key|keypath>
- keypath : '/a/b/c' => {'a':{'b':{'c':1,'d'}}} => return c's 1
Get('_this_',<key>): my functions's <key>
Get('<var name>') : return variable data
Get('_this_','args') : return my functions Arguments
Get(<function>,'args') : return the functions Arguments
default : None, any issue
err=ExceptMessage() => If excepting then taken error or traceback code and return it
check/convert IP
ip : int, str, ...
str : default : convert to format
int : convert to int format
hex : convert to hex format
port: if you want check the IP with port then type
bmc : default False, True: check BMC port (623,664,443)
return : IP, if fail then return default value
* required port option, but check with single port
False: default (not check)
True: Check IP already used the port(return True) or still available(return False)
pool: if give IP Pool(tuple) then check the IP is in the POOL or not.
same as ping command
log_format='ping' : print ping output on screen
ping('<IP>',log_format='ping') : print ping output
ping('<IP>',count=5) : 5 times pinging then return True not then return False
ping('<IP>',timeout=50) : pinging then return True and passing 50 seconds then return False
ping('<IP>',keep_good=50,timeout=3600) : if keep pinging 50 seconds then return True in the 1hour.
import requests
Web.GetIP() : get my web server IP
Web.GetIP(mode='client') : get client IP
Web.Method() : return method name(get,post,...)
Web.Method(mode='upper') : return method name (GET,POST,...)
Web.Method('GET') : if requests' method is GET then return True, not then False
Web.Request('<host_url>') : return requests' output
WEB().str2url(<string>): if some special character then convert to URL
WEB().form2dict(<request.form>) : return form data to dictionary.
TIME().Int() : Now second time
TIME().Rset() : Reset initial Time
TIME().Format('<time format>') : return format time current time
TIME().Format('<time format>',time=<int>) : return format time from time
TIME().Format('<time format>',read_format='<time format>',time='<format time>'): Read time using read_format and return want time format (covert time format)
TIME().Time() : Same as time.time()
TIME().Datetime(): Sameas datetime.datetime()
Timeout example)
while True:
if Time.Out(timeout): break
Run a shell command
"""ipmitool -H %(ipmi_ip)s -U %(ipmi_user)s -P '%(ipmi_pass)s' """%(**opts)
"""{app} -H {ipmi_ip} -U {ipmi_user} -P '{ipmi_pass}' """.format(**opts)
"""{} -H {} -U {} -P '{}' """.format(*inps)
"""{0} -H {1} -U {2} -P '{3}' """.format(*inps)
Sorting data
reverse=True: reverse sort
field=<num> : Sorting by tuple's index number(field) data in list
int : sorting by integer style
str : sorting by string style
len : sorting by string's length
base='key': (default), sort by key, 'value': sort by data for dictionary case
sym=<split symbol>: if src is string with symbol then automatically split with that symbol and sorting.
Check Mac address format and convert
Hex to Int
Hex to Mac string
Mac string to Int
symbol : default ':' mac address spliter symbol
out :
str : default : XX:XX:XX:XX:XX format
int : integer format
default : False
case :
upper : upper case output
lower : lower case output
Get Path of input
~ : home path
~<user> : user's home path
None : current path
__file__: current python script file path
__mod__ : This python script file path
file : the file's path
[list] : convert to path rule
obj : support function, module, class, instance
remove_dot :
True : (default) /a/b/./../c => /a/c
False: /a/b/./../c => /a/b/./../c
error :
False: default, if path issue then return error
True : if path issue then ignore
out :
str : default: return path string
list: return list format
- force_root : default False, True: ['','a','b'] or ['a','b'] => '/a/b'
'/a/b/c' => ['','a','b','c'] (out=list)
'a/b/c' => ['a','b','c'] (out=list)
['','a','b','c'] => '/a/b/c'(out=str)
['a','b','c'] => 'a/b/c' (out=str)
Cut string
head_len : int : first line length (default None)
if body_len is None then everything cut same length with head_len
body_len : int : line length after head_len (default None)
new_line : default linux new line
str : output to string with new_line (default)
list : output to list instead new_line
make a charactor(space, tap) group
num: default 4, how many fill out <fill>
space : default: ' '
tap : \\t
None : default: following mode information
<special charactor> : fill out the charactor
'' : default
<spcial inital chractor>: pre-fillout with this chractor
Get key from dict,list,tuple,str
find : if matched value then return the key/index of the data
mode :
first : default: return first find
all : return found all
default : return when not found
delete local file with option like as CLI
[<opt>] <files>/<directory>
-f : don't ask delete
-r : <directory> or recurring delete
delete local file with option like as Function
force=True : don't ask delete, default False
recurring=True: <directory> or recurring delete
delete list/tuple
<list,tuple>,<del items>,...
True : delete data like as <del items>
False: (default) delete index (<del items> are int)
delete dict
<dict>,<del items>,...
True : delete data like as <del items>
False: (default) delete key like as <del items>
False: searching data in first level
True : keep searching inside dictionary
True : convert tuple data to list data
False: append tuple into list
<dict input>
items : <dict>.items()
data : <dict>.value()
path : convert <dict> to path like list ([('/a/b',1),('/a/c',2),...])
(default): <dict>.keys()
idx=<int> : get <idx> data
del=<int> : delete <idx>
first=<data> : move <data> to first
end=<data> : move <data> to end
find=<data> : get Index list
default : False
auto : auto fixing index
err : not found then return default(False)
ignore : not found then ignore the data
replace string (src, from, to)
if not string then return default
default: return defined value when not string
'org': return src
... : return defined default
Output Format maker
None: Not convert
str,int,list,dict : convert data to want format
raw : Peeled data when single data(['a'],('a'),{'a':'abc'}) others then return orignal
None : automatically working according to out
True : Peeling data
False: Not Peeling
False: not remove white space
True : remove white space
Automatically Feed matched variables to function
FeedFunc(<func>,<function's arguments>,<function's variables>)
if something wrong then return False
if correct then return output of ran the Function with inputs
Convert (input)data to want type (ex: str -> list, int, ...), can not convert to type then return False
support src type is list,str,(tuple)
moving format : data(data) or from_idx(int)
- data : if src has many same data then just keep single data at moved
moving dest : to(int)
move data or index(from_idx) to want index(to)
force=True: even tuple to move
if not support then return default
default : org
Extended import function
We found that kmport demonstrated a healthy version release cadence and project activity because the last version was released less than a year ago. It has 1 open source maintainer collaborating on the project.
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Security News
The Socket Research Team breaks down a malicious wrapper package that uses obfuscation to harvest credentials and exfiltrate sensitive data.
Security News
Attackers used a malicious npm package typosquatting a popular ESLint plugin to steal sensitive data, execute commands, and exploit developer systems.
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The Ultralytics' PyPI Package was compromised four times in one weekend through GitHub Actions cache poisoning and failure to rotate previously compromised API tokens.