LabOne Q
LabOne Q is Zurich
Instrument’s software framework to accelerate progress in quantum computing. Its
Python-based, high-level programming interface enables users to concentrate on
intuitive, efficient experiment design, while automatically accounting for their
instrumentation details and maximizing useful computation time. Tight system
integration between software and hardware ensures a seamless user experience
from setups with a single qubit to those with 100 and more.
⚠️ This software requires Python 3.9 or higher. We assume that
and python
use a corresponding Python version.
💡 To ease the maintenance of multiple installations, we recommended to
use Python environments through e.g. venv, pipenv or conda.
The following commands will make the latest release of LabOne Q available in
your current environment.
$ pip install --upgrade laboneq
This will fetch the latest release from PyPI.
If you instead would like to install from source, you will additionally need to install
a Rust toolchain. For this, follow the instructions on rustup.rs.
Find the LabOne Q Manual here:
Dive right into using LabOne Q and generate your first pulse sequence:
The API Documentation is published here: