What is Lightbus?
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Lightbus allows your backend processes to communicate, run background tasks,
and expose internal APIs.
Lightbus uses Redis as its underlying transport, although support
for other platforms may eventually be added.
Lightbus requires Python 3.7 or above.
Full documentation can be found at https://lightbus.org
Designed for ease of use
Lightbus is designed with developers in mind. The syntax aims to
be intuitive and familiar, and common problems are caught with
clear and helpful error messages.
For example, a naïve authentication API:
.. code-block:: python3
class AuthApi(Api):
user_registered = Event(parameters=('username', 'email'))
class Meta:
name = 'auth'
def check_password(self, user, password):
return (
user == 'admin'
and password == 'secret'
This can be called as follows:
.. code-block:: python3
import lightbus
bus = lightbus.create()
Returns true
You can also listen for events:
.. code-block:: python3
import lightbus
bus = lightbus.create()
def send_signup_email(event_message,
username, email):
subject=f'Welcome {username}'
def bus_start():
To get started checkout the documentation at https://lightbus.org.