.. image:: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ClearcodeHQ/mirakuru/master/logo.png
:height: 100px
Mirakuru is a process orchestration tool designed for functional and integration tests.
Maybe you want to be able to start a database before you start your program
or maybe you just need to set additional services up for your tests.
This is where you should consider using mirakuru to add superpowers to your program or tests.
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In a project that relies on multiple processes there might be a need to guard code
with tests that verify interprocess communication. So one needs to set up all of
required databases, auxiliary and application services to verify their cooperation.
Synchronising (or orchestrating) test procedure with tested processes might be a hell.
If so, then mirakuru is what you need.
starts your process and waits for the clear indication that it's running.
Library provides seven executors to fit different cases:
- SimpleExecutor - starts a process and does not wait for anything.
It is useful to stop or kill a process and its subprocesses.
Base class for all the rest of executors.
- Executor - base class for executors verifying if a process has started.
- OutputExecutor - waits for a specified output to be printed by a process.
- TCPExecutor - waits for the ability to connect through TCP with a process.
- UnixSocketExecutor - waits for the ability to connect through Unix socket
with a process
- HTTPExecutor - waits for a successful HEAD request (and TCP before).
- PidExecutor - waits for a specified .pid file to exist.
The simplest executor implementation.
It simply starts the process passed to constructor, and reports it as running.
.. code-block:: python
from mirakuru import SimpleExecutor
process = SimpleExecutor('my_special_process')
# Here you can do your stuff, e.g. communicate with the started process
OutputExecutor is the executor that starts the process,
but does not report it as started, unless it receives specified marker/banner in
process output.
.. code-block:: python
from mirakuru import OutputExecutor
process = OutputExecutor('my_special_process', banner='processed!')
# Here you can do your stuff, e.g. communicate with the started process
What happens during start here, is that the executor constantly checks output
produced by started process, and looks for the banner part occurring within the
Once the output is identified, as in example processed!
is found in output.
It is considered as started, and executor releases your script from wait to work.
Is the executor that should be used to start
processes that are using TCP connection. This executor tries to connect with
the process on given host:port to see if it started accepting connections. Once it
does, it reports the process as started and a code returns to normal execution.
.. code-block:: python
from mirakuru import TCPExecutor
process = TCPExecutor('my_special_process', host='localhost', port=1234)
# Here you can do your stuff, e.g. communicate with the started process
Is executor that will be used to start web applications for example.
To start it, you apart from command, you need to pass a URL.
This URL will be used to make a (by default) HEAD request. Once successful,
the executor will be considered started, and a code will return to normal execution.
.. code-block:: python
from mirakuru import HTTPExecutor
process = HTTPExecutor('my_special_process', url='http://localhost:6543/status')
# Here you can do your stuff, e.g. communicate with the started process
This executor, however, apart from HEAD request, also inherits TCPExecutor,
so it'll try to connect to process over TCP first, to determine,
if it can try to make a HEAD request already.
By default HTTPExecutor waits until its subprocess responds with 2XX HTTP status code.
If you consider other codes as valid you need to specify them in 'status' argument.
.. code-block:: python
from mirakuru import HTTPExecutor
process = HTTPExecutor('my_special_process', url='http://localhost:6543/status', status='(200|404)')
The "status" argument can be a single code integer like 200, 404, 500 or a regular expression string -
'^(2|4)00$', '2\d\d', '\d{3}', etc.
There's also a possibility to change the request method used to perform request to the server.
By default it's HEAD, but GET, POST or other are also possible.
.. code-block:: python
from mirakuru import HTTPExecutor
process = HTTPExecutor('my_special_process', url='http://localhost:6543/status', status='(200|404)', method='GET')
Is an executor that starts the given
process, and then waits for a given file to be found before it gives back control.
An example use for this class is writing integration tests for processes that
notify their running by creating a .pid file.
.. code-block:: python
from mirakuru import PidExecutor
process = PidExecutor('my_special_process', filename='/var/msp/my_special_process.pid')
# Here you can do your stuff, e.g. communicate with the started process
.. code-block:: python
from mirakuru import HTTPExecutor
from httplib import HTTPConnection, OK
def test_it_works():
# The ``./http_server`` here launches some HTTP server on the 6543 port,
# but naturally it is not immediate and takes a non-deterministic time:
executor = HTTPExecutor("./http_server", url="")
# Start the server and wait for it to run (blocking):
# Here the server should be running!
conn = HTTPConnection("", 6543)
conn.request("GET", "/")
assert conn.getresponse().status is OK
A command by which executor spawns a process can be defined by either string or list.
.. code-block:: python
# command as string
TCPExecutor('python -m smtpd -n -c DebuggingServer localhost:1025', host='localhost', port=1025)
# command as list
['python', '-m', 'smtpd', '-n', '-c', 'DebuggingServer', 'localhost:1025'],
host='localhost', port=1025
Use as a Context manager
Mirakuru executors can also work as a context managers.
.. code-block:: python
from mirakuru import HTTPExecutor
with HTTPExecutor('my_special_process', url='http://localhost:6543/status') as process:
# Here you can do your stuff, e.g. communicate with the started process
assert process.running() is True
assert process.running() is False
Defined process starts upon entering context, and exit upon exiting it.
Mirakuru also allows to stop process for given context.
To do this, simply use built-in stopped context manager.
.. code-block:: python
from mirakuru import HTTPExecutor
process = HTTPExecutor('my_special_process', url='http://localhost:6543/status').start()
# Here you can do your stuff, e.g. communicate with the started process
with process.stopped():
# Here you will not be able to communicate with the process as it is killed here
assert process.running() is False
assert process.running() is True
Defined process stops upon entering context, and starts upon exiting it.
Methods chaining
Mirakuru encourages methods chaining so you can inline some operations, e.g.:
.. code-block:: python
from mirakuru import SimpleExecutor
command_stdout = SimpleExecutor('my_special_process').start().stop().output
Contributing and reporting bugs
Source code is available at: ClearcodeHQ/mirakuru <https://github.com/ClearcodeHQ/mirakuru>
Issue tracker is located at GitHub Issues <https://github.com/ClearcodeHQ/mirakuru/issues>
Projects PyPI page <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/mirakuru>
Windows support
Frankly, there's none, Python's support differs a bit in required places
and the team has no experience in developing for Windows.
However we'd welcome contributions that will allow the windows support.
#392 <https://github.com/ClearcodeHQ/mirakuru/issues/392>
#336 <https://github.com/ClearcodeHQ/mirakuru/issues/336>
Also, With the introduction of WSL <https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install-win10>
the need for raw Windows support might not be that urgant... If you've got any thoughts or are willing to contribute,
please start with the issues listed above.
Install pipenv and --dev dependencies first, Then run:
.. code-block::
pipenv run tbump [NEW_VERSION]