MkDocs GLightbox

A MkDocs plugin supports image lightbox with GLightbox.
GLightbox is a pure javascript lightbox library with mobile support.
Live demo with Material for MkDocs.
- Python Package
- GLightbox javascript file and css file
Install plugin from pypi
pip install mkdocs-glightbox
Add glightbox
plugin to your mkdocs.yml plugins sections:
- glightbox
You may customize the plugin by passing options in mkdocs.yml:
- glightbox:
touchNavigation: true
loop: false
effect: zoom
width: 100%
height: auto
zoomable: true
draggable: true
touchNavigation | true | Enable or disable the touch navigation (swipe). |
loop | false | Loop slides on end. |
effect | zoom | Name of the effect on lightbox open. (zoom, fade, none) |
width | 100% | Default width for inline elements and iframes. You can use any unit for example 90% or 100vw for full width. |
height | auto | Default height for inline elements and iframes. You can use any unit for example 90%, 100vh or auto. |
zoomable | true | Enable or disable zoomable images. |
draggable | true | Enable or disable mouse drag to go prev and next slide. |
Check more options information on GLightbox Docs.
For more flexibility, you can disable lightbox by a specific image or a specific page.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.