.. image:: https://secure.travis-ci.org/lukaszb/monolith.png?branch=master
:target: http://travis-ci.org/lukaszb/monolith
monolith is simple framwork for creating command line tools. Subcommands are
class based (approach and part of implementation was inspired by Django
management commands, however monolith uses argparse instead of optparse).
Supported Python versions are 2.6/2.7, 3.2+ and PyPy.
Latest documentation can be found at https://monolith.readthedocs.org/en/latest/.
#!/usr/bin/env python
Example of how to create git-like execution manager with monolith.
This is completely fake command.
from __future__ import print_function
from monolith.cli import SimpleExecutionManager
from monolith.cli import BaseCommand
from monolith.cli import LabelCommand
from monolith.cli import arg
class AddCommand(LabelCommand):
def handle_label(self, label, namespace):
print("A %s" % label)
class CommitCommand(BaseCommand):
args = BaseCommand.args + [
arg('-a', '--add', action='store_true', default=False),
arg('-m', '--message', help="Commit's message", required=True),
def handle(self, namespace):
print('Commit message: %r' % namespace.message)
if namespace.add:
print(' * add switch given!')
def main():
manager = SimpleExecutionManager('mygit', commands={
'add': AddCommand,
'commit': CommitCommand,
if __name__ == '__main__':