Moretunes is a namespace package that aims to eventually contain apis for all music streaming
or otherwise music adjacent services, in a universal, pydantic-ly modeled format. Currently,
the namespace includes moretunes-spotify, moretunes-apple, and moretunes-youtube,
each representing their respective service.
This package contains no source itself, but rather acts as shortcut for installing all
sub-packages currently available within the namespace.
Included sub-packages vary in their source and content,
moretunes-spotify being the most basic of the three, primarily being an addon for the
already excellent tekore
library with model adaptations and functions for interfacing with
Spotify's web browser apis. moretunes-youtube uses a heavily adapted fork of YTMusicAPI
, offering
more efficient and comprehensive data parsing, PEP8 compliant and moretunes compatible api format, and
an emphasis on OAuth token authentication. moretunes-apple is a fully original codebase, the focus of which is
apple documentation parsing and code generation scripts. The resulting package consists of two distinct partitions,
a raw, fully-generated, pydantic-ly modeled core that mirrors apple's api and documentation 1:1
and a statically written adapter to the universal moretunes format.