Mozzarilla is a file editing program, and is intended to be a complete replacement for Halo Custom Edition's Guerilla, with additional tools and ease of use upgrades. This is a screenshot of it with some of its extra tools shown.

Here is a current list of the most prominent features of mozz:
Is able to switch between creating regular tags, open sauce tags, and gametypes.
Is able to view/edit hidden data(edit the config to enable it)
Is able to load corrupt tags for debugging purposes.
Can export/import blocks(pieces of a tag)
Makes backups of tags before editing.
Highly customizable user interface colors, widget sizes, hotkeys, etc.
Contains a customizable undo/redo feature.
Contains a hierarchy view for easily browsing a tags directory and loading tags.
Allows choosing any number of tags directories and switching between them at will.
Mozzarilla also contains a few special tools for aiding in modding:
Broken dependency scanner: For locating broken dependencies in the specified types of tags in the specified folder.
Dependency viewer: For easily seeing which tags a tag refers to and opening any of them.
Tag zipper: For making a zip folder containing a tag and every tag it depends on.
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