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The Mr Fix module is designed to create autotests written in Python for testing UI, API, PostgreSQL, Security and Perfomance Testing.


Module MrFix

General information

The Mr Fix module is designed to create autotests written in Python for testing UI, API, PostgreSQL, Security and Perfomance Testing. Mr Fix is a module with a set of decorators methods for writing autotests for frontend and backend. It contains all the basic methods needed to write UI-, API- and SQL-autotests. It is an open source product. It is distributed on the terms of free software (i.e. it allows you to legally use it, including on commercial projects). Supports the principle of "all in one and in one place". Allows a beginner (and not just a beginner) specialist in quality control automation not to search for a solution through various manuals and websites, but to immediately find it and use proven methods of work in the MrFix module.

All versions of the mrfix module are safe to install in a corporate environment. Here's what it says, for example, about the previous version: "The latest version of mrfix with no known security vulnerabilities is 6.0.5. We recommend installing version 6.0.5. The information on this page was curated by experts in our Cybersecurity Intelligence Team."

                                                Safety CLI Cybersecurity Inc

The advantages of the module are also:

• reducing the amount of code when using methods of  module;

• a great concentration of the autotester on the correct implementation of the autotest logic, and not on the technical part of autotest;

• the uniformity of the approach of all methods to the form of organization of input data, which simplifies the memorization and application of methods of module

Link of source code:

All methods are static (@staticmethod)

If there is a variable "driver" in the method, it is a variable of the Selenium Webdriver type. For example: driver = webdriver.Chrome()

What's new in version 6.1.1 ? - Due to the change in access to the clipboard in Google Chrome, a new method has been created for inserting text from the clipboard into the input field on the browser page insert_from_clipboard(browser, input_xpath) What's new in version 6.1.0 ? - Added 3 methods for work of cookies: get_all_cookies(driver) - this method receives all cookies set_cookies(driver, cookies_dict) - this method installs cookies from cookies_dict delete_cookies(driver, cookies_key) - this method deletes cookies by cookies_key

What's new in version 6.0.6 ? - Minor fixes to optimize the performance of the MrFix module on Windows. Some modules imported into mrfix are only available for Linux and cannot be imported into Windows. Previously, this could lead to problems with the module's operation MrFix in Windows.

What's new in version 6.0.5 ? - Fixed bugs in a new method

What's new in version 6.0.4 ? - Code optimization, fixed bugs

What's new in version 6.0.3 ? - Added the method get_text_list_in_select(driver, select_xpath) in class MrFixUI This method This method returns, as a list of text strings, a list of all dropdown list values with xpath = select_xpath if successful, or error text otherwise.

What's new in version 6.0.2 ? - The descriptions of the following methods have been changed: post_request(requests_url: str, requests_body: dict, requests_headers: dict, pre_script: str = None, auth: list = None) get_request(requests_url: str, requests_headers: dict, auth: list = None) put_request(requests_url: str, requests_body: dict, requests_headers: dict, pre_script: str = None, auth: list = None) delete_request(requests_url: str, requests_headers: dict, auth: list = None)

What's new in version 6.0.1 ? - Added in class MrFixUI a method "delete_disable_attribute" - Added the ability to add authorization to methods for API requests (optional parameter: auth : list = None as a list of two values: login and password, for example auth = (login, password)). The authorization parameter has been added for the following methods:

    post_request(requests_url: str, requests_body: dict, requests_headers: dict, pre_script: str = None, auth: list = None)
    get_request(requests_url: str, requests_headers: dict, auth: list = None)
    put_request(requests_url: str, requests_body: dict, requests_headers: dict, pre_script: str = None, auth: list = None)
    delete_request(requests_url: str, requests_headers: dict, auth: list = None)

What's new in version 6.0.0 ? - Added class MrFixLoad. Added methods in this class. - Added methods "put_request" and "delete_request" in class MrFixAPI - Added descriptions of this methods

What's new in version 5.0.0 ? - Added class MrFixTime. Added methods in this class. - Added a method "change_element_text" in class MrFixUI - Added descriptions of several methods of class MrFixUI

What's new in version 4.0.2 ? - Change the description of the methods of class MrFixSecurity

What's new in version 4.0.1 ? - Added class MrFixSecurity. Added methods in this class.

What's new in version 3.0.2 ? - Corrected several mistakes in class MrFixSQL

What's new in version 3.0.1 ? - Added classes MrFixSQL and MrFixAPI. Added methods in these classes.

A brief description of the methods of all classes

class MrFixLoad

def run_load_method_of_get_requests_in_range(min_count: int, max_count: int, step: int, url: str)
    # - This load testing method executes get requests to a specific URL in a loop. 
    # - All queries at each 
    # - All queries in each step of the loop are executed in parallel. 
    # - The number of parallel queries executed for each step of the cycle varies from "min" to "max" with an interval of "step".

    # # Usage example:
    # requests_url = '<your url for request>'
    # min_count = 10
    # max_count = 11
    # step = 5
    # def test_load_get_methods():
    #     # Calling a method from another module
    #, max_count, step, requests_url))
    # test_load_get_methods()

def run_load_method_of_post_requests_in_range(min_count: int, max_count: int, step: int, url: str, headers: dict, body: dict)
    # - This load testing method executes post requests to a specific URL in a loop.  
    # - The queries are all the same, with the same "headers" and "body". 
    # - All queries at each step of the loop are executed in parallel. 
    # - The number of parallel queries executed for each step of the loop varies from "min" to "max" with an interval of "step".

    # # Usage example:
    # requests_url2 = '<your url for request>'
    # headers = {}
    # body = {
         "parametr1": "value1",  # for str type
         "parametr2": value2     # for int and another type
    #    }

    # def test_load_post_methods():
    #     # Calling a method from another module
    #, max_count, step, requests_url2,
                                                                        headers, body))
    # test_load_post_methods()

class MrFixTime

def get_start_time():
    # - returns the exact current time

def get_delta_time(start_time):
    # - returns the difference between the exact current time and the exact time value obtained earlier (start_time)

class MrFixSecurity

def is_port_open(host, port):
    # - The method checks whether the port number = port (integer value) is open or not
    # - Return "True" or "False"

def check_open_ports(host, ports_list, timeout=1):
    # - The method checks whether each of the ports in the ports_list list is open
    # (contains integer values of port numbers) or not
    # - Return a dictonary of type: {<port number> : <status - "open" or "closed">, ...}

def generate_key(filename):
    # - Generate a random encryption key and save the encryption key to a file
    # - Return "True" or error's text

def encrypt_file(input_file, output_file, key_file):
    # - Encrypt a file using a given key_file and save the encrypted data to another file
    # - Return "True" or error's text

def decrypt_file(input_file, output_file, key_file):
    # - Decrypt a file using a given key and save the decrypted data to another file
    # - Return "True" or error's text

class MrFixSQL

def run_openvpn_for_linux(config_path: str, pas: str):
# - Launches OpenVPN with a command with administrator privileges on the Linux command line using the ".ovpn" settings file
# - Returns a success message or error text

def run_openvpn_for_Windows(config_path: str, pas: str):
# - Launches OpenVPN with a command with administrator privileges on the Windows command line using the ".ovpn" settings file
# - Returns a success message or error text

def run_openvpn_for_Windows_11(config_path: str, pas: str):
# - Launches OpenVPN with a command with administrator privileges on the Windows 11 command line using the ".ovpn" settings file
# - Returns a success message or error text

def stop_openvpn_for_linux(pas: str):
# - Stops OpenVPN with a command with administrator privileges on the Linux command line
# - Returns a success message or error text

def stop_openvpn_for_Windows(pas: str):
# - Stops OpenVPN with a command with administrator privileges on the Windows command line
# - Returns a success message or error text

def export_SQL_request_result_table_to_text_file(connection_data: dict, sql_query: str, txt_file_path: str):
# - From a table in the database, PostgreSQL gets all the data for the SQL query and saves it to a text file
# - (name the file and the full path to it are in txt_file_path). The table is defined by the sql_query SQL query.
# - The database access parameters are specified in the connection_data dictionary in the values
# - of the keys "host", "port", "database", "user", "password".
# - Returns a success message or error text

def export_SQL_request_result_table_to_csv_file(connection_data: dict, sql_query: str, csv_file_path: str):
# Exports a table from PostgreSQL to a csv file
# (name the file and the full path to it are in csv_file_path). The table is defined by the sql_query SQL query.
#  The database access parameters are specified in the connection_data dictionary in the values
#  of the keys "host", "port", "database", "user", "password".
# Returns a success message or error text

def insert_data_in_postgesql(connection_data: dict, sql_query: str, data: str):
# - Performs the insertion of several rows of data "data" in PostgreSQL using sql_query SQL query.
# - The database access parameters are specified in the connection_data dictionary in the values
# - of the keys "host", "port", "database", "user", "password".
# - Returns a success message or error text

def modify_record_in_postgesql(connection_data:dict, sql_query:str):
# - Changes record in PostgreSQL using sql_query SQL query.
# - The database access parameters are specified in the connection_data dictionary in the values
# - of the keys "host", "port", "database", "user", "password".
# - Returns a success message or error text

def find_record_in_postgresql(connection_data: dict, sql_query: str):
# - Searches for data in PostgreSQL using sql_query SQL query.
# - The database access parameters are specified in the connection_data dictionary in the values
# - of the keys "host", "port", "database", "user", "password".
# - Returns a success message or error text

class MrFixAPI

def post_request(requests_url: str, requests_body: dict, requests_headers: dict, pre_script: str = None, auth: list = None)):
# - Makes POST request with used requests_url (requests url), requests_body (requests body),
# - requests_headers (requests_headers) pre_script (pre-request script, optional), auth (authorization, optional)
# - Returns response in JSON file

def get_request(requests_url: str, requests_headers: dict):
# - Makes GET request with used requests_url (requests url), requests_headers (requests_headers),
# - auth (authorization, optional)
# - Returns response in JSON file

def put_request(requests_url: str, requests_body: dict, requests_headers: dict, pre_script: str = None):
# - Makes PUT request with used requests_url (requests url), requests_body (requests body),
# - requests_headers (requests_headers), pre_script (pre-request script, optional), auth (authorization, optional)
# - Returns response in JSON file

def delete_request(requests_url: str, requests_headers: dict):
# - Makes DELETE request with used requests_url (requests url), requests_headers (requests_headers),
# - auth (authorization, optional)
# - Returns response in JSON file

class MrFixUI:

insert_from_clipboard(driver, input_xpath):
# This method for inserting text from the clipboard into the input field
# on a web page in the field with xpath = input_xpath

delete_disable_attribute(driver, element_xpath):
# - this method delete attribute "disable" of element with xpath = element_xpath, if this attribute exists, and return True or error's text

# - this method receives all cookies

set_cookies(driver, cookies_dict)
# - this method installs cookies from cookies_dict

delete_cookies(driver, cookies_key)
# - this method deletes cookies by cookies_key

check_exists_xpath(driver, check_xpath):
# - checks the existence of an element with xpath = check_xpath and returns True or False

click_element_by_xpath(driver, element_xpath, timeout=10):
# - performs a click on an element with xpath=element_xpath and returns True of success or False

select_from_dropdown_text(driver, dropdown_xpath, dropdown_text):
# - selects a line with text = dropdown_text from the drop-down list with xpath = dropdown_xpath and returns True of success or text of error

send_text_to_input(driver, input_xpath, send_text):
# - sends to the input element with xpath = input_xpath text = send_text and returns True of success or text of error

return_list_elements_by_xpath(driver, elements_xpath):
# - returns a list of elements with xpath = elements_xpath or returns text of error

press_enter_on_element(driver, element_xpath):
# - click Enter on element with xpath = elements_xpath and returns True of success or text of error

press_space_on_element(driver, element_xpath):
# - click Space on element with xpath = elements_xpathand and returns True of success or text of error

upload_file(driver, input_xpath, file_path):
# - upload file with path + file name = "file_path" in element of type "input" with xpath = "input_xpath" and returns True of success or text of error

# - swith to current window in browser and returns True or error text

get_element_attribute(driver, element_xpath, element_attribute):
# - get attribute = element_attribute of element with xpath = element_xpath and returns the attribute value or text of error

get_element_text(driver, element_xpath):
# - get text of element with xpath = element_xpath and returns the text of success or text of error

select_dropdown_value(driver, dropdown_xpath, dropdown_value):
# - select the item with xpath = dropdown_xpath from the drop-down list. value = dropdown_value and return True of success or text of error

clear_input_element(driver, element_xpath):
# - clear element with xpath = element_xpath and return True of success or text of error

press_escape_key(driver, n):
# - presses the ESCAPE key n-times

press_down_arrow_key(driver, n):
# - presses the ARROW DOWN key n-times

press_up_arrow_key(driver, n):
# - presses the ARROW UP key n-times

press_left_arrow_key(driver, n):
# - presses the ARROW LEFT key n-times

press_right_arrow_key(driver, n):
# - presses the ARROW RIGHT key n-times

press_enter_key(driver, n):
# - presses the ENTER key n-times

press_tab_key(driver, n):
# - presses the TAB key n-times

press_backspace_key(driver, n):
# - presses the BACKSPACE key n-times

press_delete_key(driver, n):
# - presses the DELETE key n-times

press_char_key(driver, char_key, n):
# - presses the key = char_key n-times

press_space_key(driver, n):
# - presses the SPACE key n-times

check_url_exists(driver, check_url):
# - checks if url = check_url exists and return True of success or False

open_url_in_new_tab(driver, open_url):
# - opens url = open_url in a new browser tab and return True of success or text of error

check_element_is_displayed(driver, element_xpath):
# - checks the display of an element with xpath = element_xpath on the page and return True of success or False

# - gets the text from the clipboard

# - converts a string value to a floating point value and return float value or text of error

check_text_is_present_on_page(driver, check_text):
# - checks to present text = check_text on page and return True of success or False or text of error

make_displayed_with_arrow_down(driver, element_xpath, waiting_time):
# - during the time = waiting_time tries to move the element with xpath = element_xpath to the visibility zone by pressing the key ARROW DOWN and return True of success or False

make_displayed_with_arrow_up(driver, element_xpath, waiting_time):
# - during the time = waiting_time tries to move the element with xpath = element_xpath to the visibility zone by pressing the key ARROW UP and return True of success or False

make_displayed_with_arrow_down_and_click(driver, element_xpath, waiting_time):
# - during the time = waiting_time tries to move the element with xpath = element_xpath to the visibility zone by pressing a key ARROW DOWN and then clicks on the element and return True of success or False

make_displayed_with_arrow_up_and_click(driver, element_xpath, waiting_time):
# - during the time = waiting_time tries to move the element with xpath = element_xpath to the visibility zone by pressing a key ARROW UP and then clicks on the element and return True of success or False

make_displayed_with_arrow_down_and_enter_click(driver, element_xpath, waiting_time):
# - during the time = waiting_time tries to move the element with xpath = element_xpath to the visibility zone by pressing a key ARROW DOWN and then clicks ENTER key on the element and return True of success or False

make_displayed_with_arrow_up_and_enter_click(driver, element_xpath, waiting_time):
# - during the time = waiting_time tries to move the element with xpath = element_xpath to the visibility zone by pressing a key ARROW UP and then clicks ENTER key on the element and return True of success or False

make_displayed_with_arrow_down_and_space_click(driver, element_xpath, waiting_time):
# - during the time = waiting_time tries to move the element with xpath = element_xpath to the visibility zone by pressing a key ARROW DOWN and then clicks SPACE key on the element and return True of success or False

make_displayed_with_arrow_up_and_space_click(driver, element_xpath, waiting_time):
# - during the time = waiting_time tries to move the element with xpath = element_xpath to the visibility zone by pressing a key ARROW UP and then clicks SPACE key on the element and return True of success or False

make_displayed_with_arrow_down_and_send(driver, element_xpath, send_text, waiting_time):
# - during the time = waiting_time tries to move the element with xpath = element_xpath to the visibility zone by pressing a key ARROW DOWN and send text = send_text in elemet of type "input" with element's xpath = element_xpath and return True or text of error

make_displayed_with_arrow_up_and_send(driver, element_xpath, send_text, waiting_time):
# - during the time = waiting_time tries to move the element with xpath = element_xpath to the visibility zone by pressing a key ARROW UP and send text = send_text in elemet of type "input" with element's xpath = element_xpath and return True or text of error

find_href_on_page(driver, find_href):
# - finds href = find_href on page and return True or text of error

wait_for_element_to_disappear(driver, element_xpath, waiting_time):
# - during the waiting time, time = waiting_time waits for the element with xpath = element_xpath to disappear and return True or text of error

wait_for_element_to_appear(driver, element_xpath, waiting_time):
# - during the waiting time, time = waiting_time waits for the element with xpath = element_xpath to appear and return True or text of error

check_text_in_class(driver, element_xpath, class_text):
# - checks to exist text = class_text in class of element with xpath = element_xpath and return True of success or False

double_click_element(driver, element_xpath):
# - makes double click on element with xpath = element_xpath and return True or text of error

click_ok_in_alert(driver, waiting_time):
# - during the waiting time, time = waiting_time waits and clicks on the "Ok" of alert window and return True or text of error

# - clicks on the "Ok" of modal footer and return True or text of error

# - gets path to the downloads folder in Google Chrome and return path or text of error

# - gets last modifierd file in folder and return file name or text of error

def get_path_separator():
# - returns the character used by the operating system to separate path elements. For Windows – ‘\\’

def check_page_errors(driver):
# - checks for errors on the browser page on the Console and Network tab in the Developer Panel (F12 key)

def is_element_clickable(driver, xpath):
# - checks the clickability of this element

def is_element_present(driver, xpath):
# - checks for element presence

def set_implicit_waiting_time(driver, time_in_second):
# - sets an implicit timeout

def get_input_value(driver, input_xpath):
# - gets the element's input value with element's xpath = input_xpath

def get_separator():
# get system's separator in files path (It is for example for Windows "\", for Linux "/")

def change_element_text(driver, span_xpath, new_text):
# - modify the innerHTML of an element identified by XPath.

def get_text_list_in_select(driver, select_xpath):
# - get the list of text of element with type "select'


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