Mulpyplexer is a piece of code that can multiplex interactions with lists of python objects.
It's easier to show you:
import mulpyplexer
class A:
def __init__(self, i):
self.i = i
def add(self, j):
return A(self.i + (j.i if isinstance(j, A) else j))
def sub(self, j):
return A(self.i - (j.i if isinstance(j, A) else j))
def __repr__(self):
return "<A %d>" % self.i
def str(self):
return str(self.i)
def __eq__(self, o):
return self.i == o.i
one = mulpyplexer.MP([ A(10), A(20), A(30) ])
two = one.add(5)
assert two.mp_items == [ A(15), A(25), A(35) ]
three = two.sub(10)
assert three.mp_items == [ A(5), A(15), A(25) ]
four = three.add(one)
assert four.mp_items == [ A(15), A(35), A(55) ]
five = four.str()
assert five.mp_items == [ "15", "35", "55" ]
six = four.i
assert six.mp_items == [ 15, 35, 55 ]